HP OpenVMS Calling Standard
HP OpenVMS Calling Standard
Order Number:
January 2005
This standard defines the requirements, mechanisms, and conventions
that support procedure-to-procedure calls for HP OpenVMS VAX, HP
OpenVMS Alpha, and HP OpenVMS Industry Standard 64. The standard
defines the run-time data structures, constants, algorithms,
conventions, methods, and functional interfaces that enable a 32-bit or
64-bit native user-mode procedure to operate correctly in a
multilanguage and multithreaded environment on VAX, Alpha, and Intel
Itanium® processors.
Revision/Update Information:
This manual supersedes the HP OpenVMS Calling Standard for OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3.
Software Version:
OpenVMS I64 Version 8.2
OpenVMS Alpha Version 8.2
Hewlett-Packard Company
Palo Alto, California
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The HP OpenVMS documentation set is available on CD-ROM.
The HP OpenVMS Calling Standard defines the requirements, mechanisms, and conventions
that support procedure-to-procedure calls for HP OpenVMS VAX, HP
OpenVMS Alpha, and HP OpenVMS Industry Standard 64 for Integrity
servers (I64). The standard defines the run-time data structures,
constants, algorithms, conventions, methods, and functional interfaces
that enable a native user-mode procedure to operate correctly in a
multilanguage environment on VAX, Alpha, and Itanium® systems.
Properties of the run-time environment that must apply at various
points during program execution are also defined.
The 32-bit user mode of OpenVMS Alpha provides a high degree of
compatibility with programs written for OpenVMS VAX.
The 64-bit user mode of OpenVMS Alpha is a compatible superset of the
OpenVMS Alpha 32-bit user mode.
The 32-bit and 64-bit user modes of OpenVMS I64 are highly
compatible with OpenVMS Alpha.
The interfaces, methods, and conventions specified in this manual are
primarily intended for use by implementers of compilers, debuggers, and
other run-time tools, run-time libraries, and base operating systems.
These specifications may or may not be appropriate for use by higher
level system software and applications.
This standard is under engineering change order (ECO) control. ECOs are
approved by Hewlett-Packard's OpenVMS Calling Standard committee.
Intended Audience
This manual primarily defines requirements for compiler and debugger
writers, but the information can apply to procedure calling for all
programmers in various levels of programming.
Document Structure
This manual contains seven chapters and three appendixes. Some chapters
are restricted to a particular hardware environment. The appendixes all
apply specifically to OpenVMS I64.
Chapter 1 provides an overview of the standard, defines goals, and
defines terms used in the text.
Chapter 2 describes the primary conventions in calling a procedure in
an OpenVMS VAX environment. It defines register usage and addressing as
well as vector and scalar processor synchronization.
Chapter 3 describes the fundamental concepts and conventions in
calling a procedure in an OpenVMS Alpha environment. The chapter
defines register usage and addressing, and focuses on aspects of the
calling standard that pertain to procedure-to-procedure flow of control.
Chapter 4 describes the fundamental concepts and conventions in
calling a procedure in an OpenVMS I64 environment. The chapter
defines register usage and addressing, and focuses on aspects of the
calling standard that pertain to procedure-to-procedure flow of control.
Chapter 5 describes signature information and its role in
interfacing with translated OpenVMS VAX and Alpha images on Alpha and
I64 systems. This is a new chapter that includes information
that used to be in Chapter 3 as well as new information for
I64 systems.
Chapter 6 defines the argument-passing data types used in calling a
procedure for all OpenVMS environments.
Chapter 7 defines the argument descriptors used in calling a
procedure for all OpenVMS environments.
Chapter 8 describes the OpenVMS condition- and exception-handling
requirements for all OpenVMS environments.
Appendix A describes stack unwinding and exception handling for
OpenVMS I64 environments.
Appendix B contains the formats of the OpenVMS I64 unwind
descriptor records.
Appendix C contains a brief summary of the differences between the
Itanium® Software Conventions and Runtime Architecture Guide and this calling standard.
Related Documents
The following manuals contain related information:
- VAX Architecture Reference Manual
- Alpha Architecture Reference Manual
- OpenVMS Programming Interfaces: Calling a System Routine
- Guide to the POSIX Threads Library
- VAX/VMS Internals and Data Structures
- OpenVMS AXP Internals and Data Structures
- Intel IA-64 Architecture Software Developer's Manual
- Itanium® Software Conventions and Runtime Architecture Guide
For additional information about HP OpenVMS products and services,
visit the following World Wide Web address:
Reader's Comments
HP welcomes your comments on this manual. Please send comments to
either of the following addresses:
Postal Mail
Hewlett-Packard Company
OSSG Documentation Group, ZKO3-4/U08
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How to Order Additional Documentation
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The following conventions are used in this manual:
A sequence such as Ctrl/
x indicates that you must hold down the key labeled Ctrl while
you press another key or a pointing device button.
A sequence such as PF1
x indicates that you must first press and release the key
labeled PF1 and then press and release another key or a pointing device
In examples, a key name enclosed in a box indicates that you press a
key on the keyboard. (In text, a key name is not enclosed in a box.)
In the HTML version of this document, this convention appears as
brackets, rather than a box.
A horizontal ellipsis in examples indicates one of the following
- Additional optional arguments in a statement have been omitted.
- The preceding item or items can be repeated one or more times.
- Additional parameters, values, or other information can be entered.
A vertical ellipsis indicates the omission of items from a code example
or command format; the items are omitted because they are not important
to the topic being discussed.
( )
In command format descriptions, parentheses indicate that you must
enclose choices in parentheses if you specify more than one.
[ ]
In command format descriptions, brackets indicate optional choices. You
can choose one or more items or no items. Do not type the brackets on
the command line. However, you must include the brackets in the syntax
for OpenVMS directory specifications and for a substring specification
in an assignment statement.
In command format descriptions, vertical bars separate choices within
brackets or braces. Within brackets, the choices are optional; within
braces, at least one choice is required. Do not type the vertical bars
on the command line.
{ }
In command format descriptions, braces indicate required choices; you
must choose at least one of the items listed. Do not type the braces on
the command line.
bold type
Bold type represents the introduction of a new term. It also represents
the name of an argument, an attribute, or a reason.
italic type
Italic type indicates important information, complete titles of
manuals, or variables. Variables include information that varies in
system output (Internal error
number), in command lines (/PRODUCER=
name), and in command parameters in text (where
dd represents the predefined code for the device type).
Uppercase type indicates a command, the name of a routine, the name of
a file, or the abbreviation for a system privilege.
This typeface indicates code examples, command examples, and
interactive screen displays. In text, this type also identifies URLs,
UNIX commands and pathnames, PC-based commands and folders, and certain
elements of the C programming language.
A hyphen at the end of a command format description, command line, or
code line indicates that the command or statement continues on the
following line.
All numbers in text are assumed to be decimal unless otherwise noted.
Nondecimal radixes---binary, octal, or hexadecimal---are explicitly
Chapter 1
This standard defines properties such as the run-time data structures,
constants, algorithms, conventions, methods, and functional interfaces
that enable a native user-mode procedure to operate correctly in a
multilanguage and multithreaded environment on OpenVMS VAX, OpenVMS
Alpha, and OpenVMS I64 systems. These properties include the
contents of key registers, format and contents of certain data
structures, and actions that procedures must perform under certain
This standard also defines properties of the run-time environment that
must apply at various points during program execution. These properties
vary in scope and applicability. Some properties apply at all points
throughout the execution of standard-conforming user-mode code and
must, therefore, be held constant at all times. Examples of such
properties include those defined for the stack pointer and various
properties of the call stack navigation mechanism. Other properties
apply only at certain points, such as call conventions that apply only
at the point of transfer of control to another procedure.
Furthermore, some properties are optional depending on circumstances.
For example, compilers are not obligated to follow the argument list
conventions when a procedure and all of its callers are in the same
module, have been analyzed by an interprocedural analyzer, or have
private interfaces (such as language-support routines).
In many cases, significant performance gains can be realized by
selective use of nonstandard calls when the safety of such calls is
known. Compiler or tools writers are encouraged to make full use of
such optimizations.
The procedure call mechanism depends on agreement between the calling
and called procedures to interpret the argument list. The argument list
does not fully describe itself. This standard requires language
extensions to permit a calling program to generate some of the
argument-passing mechanisms expected by called procedures.
This standard specifies the following attributes of the interfaces
between modules:
- Calling sequence---instructions at the call site, entry point, and
- Argument list---structure of the list describing the arguments to
the called procedure
- Function value return---form and conventions for the return of the
function value as a value or as a condition value to indicate success
or failure
- Register usage---which registers are preserved and who is
responsible for preserving them
- Stack usage---rules governing the use of the stack
- Argument data types---data types of arguments that can be passed
- Argument descriptor formats---how descriptors are passed for the
more complex arguments
- Condition handling---how exception conditions are signaled and how
they are handled in a modular fashion
- Stack unwinding---how the current thread of execution is aborted
1.1 Applicability
This standard defines the rules and conventions that govern the
native user-mode run-time environment on OpenVMS VAX,
Alpha, and I64 systems. It is applicable to all software that
executes in OpenVMS native user mode.
Uses of this standard include:
- All externally callable interfaces in Hewlett-Packard supported,
standard system software
- All intermodule calls to major software components
- All external procedure calls generated by OpenVMS language
processors without interprocedural analysis or permanent private
conventions (such as those used for language-support run-time library
[RTL] routines)
1.2 Architectural Level
This standard defines an implementation-level run-time software
architecture for OpenVMS operating systems.
The interfaces, methods, and conventions specified in this document are
primarily intended for use by implementers of compilers, debuggers, and
other run-time tools, run-time libraries, and base operating systems.
These specifications may or may not be appropriate for use by
higher-level system software and applications.
Compilers and run-time libraries may provide additional support of
these capabilities via interfaces that are more suited for compiler and
application use. This specification neither prohibits nor requires such
additional interfaces.
1.3 Goals
Generally, this calling standard promotes the highest degree of
performance, portability, efficiency, and consistency in the interface
between called procedures of a common OpenVMS environment.
Specifically, the calling standard:
- Applies to all intermodule callable interfaces in the native
software system. Specifically, the standard considers the requirements
of important compiled languages including Ada, BASIC, Bliss, C, C++,
COBOL, Fortran, Pascal, LISP, PL/I, and calls to the operating system
and library procedures. The needs of other languages that the OpenVMS
operating system may support in the future must be met by the standard
or by compatible revisions to it.
- Excludes capabilities for lower-level components (such as assembler
routines) that cannot be invoked from the high-level languages.
- Allows the calling program and called procedure to be written in
different languages. The standard reduces the need for using language
extensions in mixed-language programs.
- Contributes to the writing of error-free, modular, and maintainable
software, and promotes effective sharing and reuse of software modules.
- Provides the programmer with control over fixing, reporting, and
flow of control when various types of exception conditions occur.
- Provides subsystem and application writers with the ability to
override system messages toward a more suitable application-oriented
- Adds no space or time overhead to procedure calls and returns that
do not establish exception handlers, and minimizes time overhead for
establishing handlers at the cost of increased time overhead when
exceptions occur.
The OpenVMS Alpha portion of this standard:
- Supports a 32-bit user-mode environment that provides a high degree
of compatibility with the OpenVMS VAX environment.
- Supports a 64-bit user-mode environment that is a compatible
superset of the OpenVMS Alpha 32-bit environment.
- Simplifies coexistence with OpenVMS VAX procedures that execute
under the translated image environment.
- Simplifies the compilation of OpenVMS VAX assembler source to
native OpenVMS Alpha object code.
- Supports a multilanguage, multithreaded execution environment,
including efficient, effective support for the implementation of the
multithreaded architecture.
- Provides an efficient mechanism for calling lightweight procedures
that do not need or cannot expend the overhead of setting up a stack
call frame.
- Provides for the use of a common calling sequence to invoke
lightweight procedures that maintain only a register call frame and
heavyweight procedures that maintain a stack call frame. This calling
sequence allows a compiler to determine whether to use a stack frame
based on the complexity of the procedure being compiled. A
recompilation of a called routine that causes a change in stack frame
usage does not require a recompilation of its callers.
- Provides condition handling, traceback, and debugging for
lightweight procedures that do not have a stack frame.
- Makes efficient use of the Alpha architecture, including
effectively using a larger number of registers than is contained in a
conventional VAX processor.
- Minimizes the cost of procedure calls.
The portion of this standard specific to OpenVMS I64:
- Extends all of the goals listed above for the OpenVMS Alpha
environment to the OpenVMS I64 environment.
- Supports a 64-bit user mode environment that is highly compatible
with the OpenVMS Alpha 64-bit user mode environment.
- Makes efficient use of the Itanium architecture, including
using a larger number of registers than is contained in a conventional
Alpha processor, as well as additional I64 architecture
- Follows conventions established for Intel Itanium processor
software generally except where required to preserve compatibility with
OpenVMS VAX and Alpha environments.
The OpenVMS procedure calling mechanisms of this standard do not
- Checking of argument data types, data structures, and parameter
access. The OpenVMS protection and memory management systems do not
depend on correct interactions between user-level calling and called
procedures. Such extended checking might be desirable in some
circumstances, but system integrity does not depend on it.
- Information for an interpretive OpenVMS Debugger. The definition of
the debugger includes a debug symbol table (DST) that contains the
required descriptive information.
1.4 Definitions
The following terms are used in this standard:
Address: On OpenVMS VAX systems, a 32-bit value used
to denote a position in memory. On OpenVMS Alpha and I64
systems, a 64-bit value used to denote a position in memory. However,
many Alpha and I64 applications and user-mode facilities
operate in such a manner that addresses are restricted only to values
that are representable in 32 bits. This allows addresses on Alpha and
I64 systems often to be stored and manipulated as 32-bit
longword values. In such cases, the 32-bit address value is always
implicitly or explicitly sign-extended to form a 64-bit address for use
by the hardware.
Argument list: A vector of entries (longwords on
OpenVMS VAX, quadwords on OpenVMS Alpha and I64 ) that
represents a procedure parameter list and possibly a function value.
Asynchronous software interrupt: An asynchronous
interruption of normal code flow caused by some software event. This
interruption shares many of the properties of hardware exceptions,
including forcing some out-of-line code to execute.
Bound procedure: A type of procedure that requires
knowledge (at run time) of a dynamically determined larger enclosing
scope to function correctly.
Call frame: The body of information that a procedure
must save to allow it to properly return to its caller. A call frame
may exist on the stack or in registers. A call frame may optionally
contain additional information required by the called procedure.
Condition handler: A procedure designed to handle
conditions (exceptions) when they occur during the execution of a
Condition value: A 32-bit value (sign extended to a
64-bit value on OpenVMS Alpha and I64 used to uniquely
identify an exception condition. A condition value can be returned to a
calling program as a function value or it can be signaled using the
OpenVMS signaling mechanism.
Descriptor: A mechanism for passing parameters where
the address of a descriptor is an entry in the argument list. The
descriptor contains the address of the parameter, data type, size, and
additional information needed to describe fully the data passed.
Exception condition (or condition): An exceptional
condition in the current hardware or software state that should be
noted or fixed. Its existence causes an interruption in program flow
and forces execution of out-of-line code. Such an event might be caused
by an exceptional hardware state, such as arithmetic overflows, memory
access control violations, and so on, or by actions performed by
software, such as subscript range checking, assertion checking, or
asynchronous notification of one thread by another.
During the time
the normal control flow is interrupted by an exception, that condition
is termed active.
Function: A procedure that returns a single value in
accordance with the standard conventions for value returning.
Additional values may be returned by means of the argument list.
Function pointer: See procedure value.
Hardware exception: A category of exceptions that
reflect an exceptional condition in the current hardware state that
should be noted or fixed by the software. Hardware exceptions can occur
synchronously or asynchronously with respect to the normal program flow.
IP: (I64 platforms only) A value that
identifies a bundle of instructions in memory; the address of the first
(lowest addressed) byte of an aligned 16-byte sequence that encodes
three Itanium architecture instructions. See also PC.
Immediate value: A mechanism for passing input
parameters where the actual value is provided in the argument list
entry by the calling program.
Language-support procedure: A procedure called
implicitly to implement high-level language constructs. Such procedures
are not intended to be explicitly called from user programs.
Leaf procedure: A procedure that makes no outbound
calls. Conversely, a non-leaf procedure is one that does make outbound
Library procedure: A procedure explicitly called using
the equivalent of a call statement or function reference. Such
procedures are usually language independent.
Natural alignment: An attribute of certain data types
that refers to the placement of the data so that the lowest addressed
byte of the data has an address that is a multiple of the size of the
data in bytes. Natural alignment of an aggregate data type generally
refers to an alignment in which all members of the aggregate are
naturally aligned.
This standard defines five natural alignments:
- Byte---Any byte address
- Word---Any byte address that is a multiple of 2
- Longword---Any byte address that is a multiple of 4
- Quadword---Any byte address that is a multiple of 8
- Octaword---Any byte address that is a multiple of 16
PC: A value that identifies an instruction in memory.
On OpenVMS VAX and Alpha systems, the address of the first (lowest
addressed) byte of the sequence (unaligned on VAX, longword aligned in
Alpha) that holds the instruction. On OpenVMS I64, the IP (see
above) of the bundle that contains the instruction added to the number
of the slot (0, 1, or 2) for that instruction within the bundle.
Procedure: A closed sequence of instructions that is
entered from and returns control to the calling program.
Procedure value: An address value that represents a
procedure. On OpenVMS VAX systems, a procedure value is the address of
the entry mask that is interpreted by the CALLx instruction
invoking the procedure. On OpenVMS Alpha systems, a procedure value is
the address of the procedure descriptor for the procedure. On OpenVMS
I64 systems, a procedure value is the address of a function
descriptor for the procedure; it is also known as a function pointer.
Process: An address space and at least one thread of
execution. Selected security and quota checks are done on a per-process
This standard anticipates the possibility of the execution
of multiple threads within a process. An operating system that provides
only a single thread of execution per process is considered a special
case of a multithreaded system where the maximum number of threads per
process is one.
Reference: A mechanism for passing parameters where
the address of the parameter is provided in the argument list by the
calling program.
Signal: A POSIX defined concept used to cause
out-of-line execution of code. (This term should not be confused with
the OpenVMS usage of the word that more closely equates to
exception as used in this document.)
Standard call: Any transfer of control to a procedure
by any means that presents the called procedure with the environment
defined by this document and does not place additional restrictions,
not defined by this document, on the called procedure.
Standard-conforming procedure: A procedure that
adheres to all the relevant rules set forth in this document.
Thread of execution (or thread): An entity scheduled
for execution on a processor. In language terms, a thread is a
computational entity used by a program unit. Such a program unit might
be a task, procedure, loop, or some other unit of computation.
threads executing within the same process share the same address space
and other process contexts, but they have a unique per-thread hardware
context that includes program counter, processor status, stack pointer,
and other machine registers.
This standard applies only to threads
that execute within the context of a user-mode process and are
scheduled on one or more processors according to software priority. All
subsequent uses of the term thread in this standard
refer only to such user-mode process threads.
Thread-safe code: Code that is compiled in such a way
to ensure it will execute properly when run in a threaded environment.
Thread-safe code usually adds extra instructions to do certain run-time
checks and requires that thread local storage be accessed in a
particular fashion.
- Undefined: Referring to operations or behavior
for which there is no directing algorithm used across all
implementations that support this standard. Such operations may be well
defined for a particular implementation, but they still remain
undefined with reference to this standard. The actions of undefined
operations may not be required by standard-conforming procedures.
- Unpredictable: Referring to the results of an
operation that cannot be guaranteed across all implementations of this
standard. These results may be well defined for a particular
implementation, but they remain unpredictable with reference to this
standard. All results that are not specified in this standard, but are
caused by operations defined in this standard, are considered
unpredictable. A standard-conforming procedure cannot depend on
unpredictable results.