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Special Characters

[] (brackets)
{} (braces)
| (vertical bar)
... (horizontal ellipsis)

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activating and deactivating Chinese input methods
   CDE applications
     starting input server
   character-cell terminal applications
   DECwindows motif applications
     starting input server
alphabet input methods
ASCII code
asort utility

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[Special Characters] A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


BIG-5 character set
BIG-5 code set
bitmap font samples

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CDE applications
   starting input server
cedit utility
character-cell terminal applications
character sets
Chinese language names
Chinese print filters
Chinese printing support
CNS 11643 character set
   characters defined in
   character planes
   first character planes
   second character plane
CNS 11643 code
codeset conversion
codeset for peripheral devices
commands and daemons
   country-specific options to lpr command
   font faulting daemon (ffd)
   PostScript font management utility (pfsetup)
   PrintServer printing command (wwlpspr)
conversion between input servers and DECwindows motif applications
creating Hanyu or Hanzi DECterm

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DEC Hanyu codeset
DEC Hanzi codeset
DEClaser 1152 printing setup
DEClaser 5100 printing setup
DECwindows font encoding
DECwindows fonts
DECwindows motif applications
   starting input server
default conversion string
depth-first against breadth-first
dot matrix printers
DTSCS code
DTSCS (DIGITAL Taiwan Supplemental Character Set)

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examples of phonetic input
extended GB character set

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5-shape input method
   association mode
   decomposition of Chinese characters
   distinction code
   distribution of radicals
   entering 5-shape code through numeric keypad
   5-shape radical keys
   input mechanism
     entering basic strokes
     input of terms
     single character input
     term input
   multiple candidates
   principles of character decomposition
   shape code
   simple code characters
     frequently used
     level 2 simple code
     level 3 simple code
   wild-card key
5-stroke input method
   association mode
   input mechanism
     input single characters
     input terms
     input terms with
     single character input
     stroke code
   multiple candidates
   stroke categories
   wild-card key
ffd (font faulting daemon)
font embedding
font encodings
font samples, bitmap
fullform alphabet input method

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GB18030-2000 character set
GB18030 code set and converters
GB2312-80 character set
GBK codeset and converters
generic PostScript printers

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[Special Characters] A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Hanyu and Hanzi DECterm
   Chinese character input/output
   default character set
   font sizes
   input server
   interaction style
   reconnecting input server
   terminal ID
   VT382-D and VT382-C terminal functions

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[Special Characters] A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U VV W X Y Z<


input user-defined characters, DECwindows motif
input method
   activating and deactivating
   modifying active list
Intelligent ABC input method
   basic input
   input method
   usage notes
internal code input method
   error handling
   input procedure
   repeat character input
invoking Tsang-Chi input method
   entering a Tsang-Chi radical
ISO/IEC 10646 standard

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[Special Characters] A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Keyboard Layout
   numeric keypad for 5-stroke input method
key sequences
   that invoke Chinese input method
   to select simplified Chinese input method
   to select traditional Chinese input method
key sequences that invoke Chinese input method

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[Special Characters] A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


local language devices

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Motif interface input method
   input areas
   input server operations
   input user-defined characters
   interaction styles
     root window
   options menu
     current window
       font size
       font typeface
       foreground and background colors
       line spacing
     horizontal layout
     input method customization
       bell volume
       customization of invocation key sequences in dxhanyuim
       customization of invocation key sequences in dxhanziim
       default input method
       display 5-shape radicals (dxhanziim)
       EDPC support (dxhanyuim)
       invocate key
       modifier state customization
     select phrase input class
     system phrase database
     user phrase database
     vertical layout
   saving new settings
multiple collating sequences

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[Special Characters] A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


nroff, special characters in
Numeric Keypad for 5-Stroke Input Method

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one-to-many conversion
other Chinese features
outline fonts

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pfsetup command
pfsetup (PostScript font management utility)
phonetic input method
   code generation
   entering phonetic code
     phonetic symbols with different termination keys
   error handling
   examples of
   multiple candidates
   repeat character input
   symbol categories
phrase conversion
phrase input method
   converting a phrase code to a phrase
   entering a phrase code
   error handling
     condition 1
     condition 2
   input procedure
phrase support in VT382-D
   creating phrase definition file
   phrase definitions
   phrase downloading
   syntax of phrase definitions
Pin-Yin input method
   association mode
   input mechanism
     Pin-Yin tone marks
   multiple candidates
   multiple phonetic representations
   radical characters
plane 1 character encoding
plane 2 character encoding
PostScript font management utility (pfsetup)
print file formats
print filters
     codeset conversion
     font faulting
     outline fonts
     software on-demand font loading (SoftODL)
     DEClaser 1152
     DEClaser 5100
     dot matrix printers
     PrintServer 17
printing support

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[Special Characters] A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


quick Tsang-Chi input method
   code generation
   error handling
   multiple candidates
   repeat character input
Qu-Wei input method
   DEC GB2312 characters
   entity names and Unicode values
   extended GB characters

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[Special Characters] A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


recommended character set

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[Special Characters] A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Shift Big-5 codeset
simplified Chinese
   default fonts
   input methods
   screen fonts
sorting utility
special characters in nroff
specifying fonts in DECwindows applications
supported printers
   generic printers
   PostScript printers
   text printers
switching input method
symbol input in Dxhanyuim
   entering symbol code
   error handling
   invoking symbol input mode
   multiple candidates
   rules of symbol input
symbol input in Dxhanziim

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[Special Characters] A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Taiwanese EUC code
Telecode codeset
Telex code input method
traditional Chinese
   default fonts
   input methods
   screen fonts
TrueType fonts
Tsang-Chi input method
   error handling
     entering a Tsang-Chi radical
   multiple candidates
     meaning of arrow characters
     code generation
     error handling
     multiple candidates
     repeat character input
   repeat character input
   root radicals
     classification (form)
     classification (human body)
     classification (philosophical)
     classification (stroke)
     quick reference table
Tsang-Chi code generation
   composite characters
     composite characters decomposition
   composition form characters
   connected characters
     examples of connected character decomposition
   connected form characters
   exceptional characters
     compound characters
     difficult characters
     special characters
   general rules

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[Special Characters] A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


UCS-4 codset
ucs4 modifier
user-defined character mappings
user-defined characters
user-defined characters

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wwlpspr PrintServer printing command

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VT382-D, phrase support in
   creating a phrase definition file
   phrase definitions
   phrase downloading
   syntax of phrase definitions

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[Special Characters] A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


XLFD font names
   Chinese outline fonts
   miscellaneous screen fonts
xnllanguage qualifier
xrm command

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