HP Instant Capacity User's Guide for versions 8.x > Chapter 5 Temporary Instant Capacity

Temporary Instant Capacity Exceptions

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Error for Activation with Insufficient Temporary Capacity

You cannot activate an Instant Capacity core with temporary capacity unless there is a sufficient balance of temporary capacity on the system. To increase the temporary capacity balance, see “Acquiring and Configuring Temporary Instant Capacity” for details.

Here is an example of the error message for attempting to activate an inactive core without usage rights and without a sufficient temporary capacity balance:

Example 5-5 Error Message for Activation with Insufficient Temporary Capacity (HP-UX)

/usr/sbin/icapmodify -t -a 1 

ERROR:   Operation not approved because there is not enough temporary capacity
         to satisfy the request. Activations require at least 30 minutes
         worth of temporary capacity per core consuming temporary capacity.

Temporary Capacity Balance Needing Action

If the temporary capacity balance reaches 30 minutes or less, the icapstatus command’s output displays “less than 30 minutes” in the Exception status field (at the beginning of the icapstatus output). When this state occurs, you need to take corrective action immediately and do one of the following:

  • Deactivate Instant Capacity cores that are utilizing temporary capacity

  • Apply additional temporary capacity codewords

  • Acquire additional core usage rights and apply the RTU codeword

Temporary Capacity Negative Balance

A complex is out of compliance with the Instant Capacity contract if a negative balance of temporary capacity occurs.

The Instant Capacity software sends an exception report (via e-mail) if there is a negative balance of temporary capacity. Exception information is also written to the syslog file. See “Handling Compliance Exceptions” for details of the exception report for a negative temporary capacity balance.

If you continue to have more active cores than core usage rights across the complex, a negative capacity balance will result in a compliance enforcement action, as described in “Temporary Instant Capacity Expiration and Compliance Enforcement”. If there is a negative temporary capacity balance but the number of cores with usage rights is greater than or equal to the number of active cores, then the complex remains in an exception state, but without (additional) enforcement action.

Purchasing additional core usage rights and applying the RTU codeword to the system clears out any previous violation of Temporary Instant Capacity. Purchase of sufficient additional temporary capacity will also clear out a negative balance.

Temporary Capacity Enforcement

When the temporary capacity balance has been depleted and you continue to have more active cores than core usage rights across the complex, an enforcement action occurs on a partition reboot to bring the system into a state closer to compliance (by deactivating one or more cores). Example 5-6 “Error Message for Temporary Capacity Partial Enforcement” is an example of the message that is sent when the enforcement results in a partially compliant state, but temporary capacity continues to be depleted. Example 5-7 “Error Message for Temporary Capacity Complete Enforcement” is an example of the message that is sent when the enforcement is able to deactivate enough cores so that temporary capacity is no longer being used.

Example 5-6 Error Message for Temporary Capacity Partial Enforcement

To: root@par1.yourorg.com 
Subject: Instant Capacity enforcement notice

This message is being sent to inform you that, due to expiration of
temporary capacity, 1 additional core(s) were deactivated on your Instant
Capacity system (containing the partition par1) to bring the complex
into compliance.

Prior to deactivation, the number of active cores exceeded the number of
available core usage rights by 3. 3 core(s) without usage rights were found to
be active in the complex. This state was likely the result of having activated
Instant Capacity core(s) using temporary capacity (TiCAP), and then allowing the
TiCAP balance to expire prior to deactivation of the core(s).

As a result, the intended active value was reduced by 1 and 1 core(s)
were deactivated.

There are currently 3 active core(s) and 1 core usage rights. This complex
is not in compliance with the Instant Capacity contract. Other partitions
may also experience core deactivation upon reboot until compliance is restored.
To bring the system back into compliance now, perform one or more of the
following steps:
1. Purchase additional temporary capacity and apply the temporary
   capacity codeword(s) to the complex.
2. Deactivate cores until no cores are consuming temporary
3. Purchase additional usage rights to match the number of cores consuming
   temporary capacity and apply the Right to Use codewords to the complex
   so that they can be permanently activated.

To activate these 1 core(s) again, you can perform one of the
following actions:
1. Purchase additional temporary capacity and apply the TiCAP
   codeword(s) to the complex, and use temporary capacity to
   activate the core(s).
2. Deactivate cores in other partitions after the complex is in
   compliance. This frees up core usage rights which can be used
   to activate cores on this partition.

You can view the current temporary capacity compliance of your system by using
the icapstatus command.
See the Instant Capacity User's Guide at /usr/share/doc/icapUserGuide.pdf
for more information.

Example 5-7 Error Message for Temporary Capacity Complete Enforcement

To: root@par1.yourorg.com 
Subject: Instant Capacity enforcement notice

This message is being sent to inform you that, due to expiration of
temporary capacity, 1 core(s) were deactivated on your Instant Capacity
complex (containing the partition par1) to bring the complex into compliance
with the Instant Capacity contract.

Prior to deactivation, the number of active cores exceeded the number
of available usage rights by 1. 1 core(s) without usage rights were
found to be active in the complex. This state was likely the result of
having activated Instant Capacity core(s) using temporary capacity (TiCAP)
and then allowing the temporary capacity balance to expire prior to
deactivation of the core(s).

As a result, the intended active value was reduced by 1 and 1 core(s)
were deactivated. To activate these 1 core(s) again, you can perform
one of the following actions:
1. Purchase additional temporary capacity, apply the TiCAP codeword(s)
   to the complex, and use temporary capacity to activate the core(s).
2. Deactivate cores in other partitions. This frees up core usage
   rights which can be used to activate cores on this partition.

There are currently 3 active core(s) and 3 core usage rights. This complex
is now compliant with the Instant Capacity contract.

You can view the current temporary capacity compliance of your system by
using the icapstatus command.

See the Instant Capacity User's Guide at /usr/share/doc/icapUserGuide.pdf
for more information.