Requirements |
Previous versions of the Instant Capacity software required
e-mail connectivity to HP in order to send asset reports as encrypted
e-mail messages. Starting with version B.07.x, Instant Capacity
software does not require e-mail connectivity or asset reporting,
however, you may choose to configure it because it can be useful
for viewing complex-wide asset information at the HP Utility Pricing
Solutions portal (http://www.hp.com/go/icap/portal).
 |  |
 | NOTE: E-mail asset reporting is set to “on” by
default when the Instant Capacity software is installed. You turn
asset reporting on or off with the icapnotify -a command/option. You can view the current setting of e-mail
asset reporting in the Asset reporting field,
near the beginning of the icapstatus command’s output. |
 |  |
For e-mail connectivity, the requirements are:
The Instant
Capacity system/partition should have sendmail installed
and configured such that it has the ability to send e-mail to the
hp.com domain.
 |  |
 | IMPORTANT: The e-mail is bounced/rejected by the mail servers
at HP if the domain name in the FROM address,
for the e-mail sent from the Instant Capacity system to HP, is not
DNS resolvable by HP. Also, since asset reports are encrypted and
must be decrypted at the HP portal, the decryption process may not
work correctly if outgoing e-mail sent from your system is automatically
modified in any way, for example, to include a privacy notice. |
 |  |
Note that the sendmail configuration
and routing may vary, but the system must have the ability to send
e-mail to the hp.com domain.
The ability to receive e-mail from HP is optional, but you
may find it useful for testing the capability of sending e-mail
to HP. For more information see “Configuring
Your Server to Send but Not Receive E-Mail”. Refer to the HP-UX sendmail(1M) manpage
for more information on sendmail.
sendmail is part of the HP-UX core
and is installed with the HP-UX operating system. However, a sendmail configuration
process needs to be followed to complete its installation. For information,
refer to the chapter titled Installing and Administering
sendmail, in the appropriate documentation:
For HP-UX 11i v1: Installing
and Administering Internet Services (B2355-90685)
For HP-UX 11i v2: Installing
and Administering Internet Services (B2355-90774)
You can retrieve the above documentation from the HP web site: http://docs.hp.com
Networking and Communications -> Internet Services
to access either of the documents.
On Partitionable Systems
If asset reporting is desired, configure e-mail connectivity
on each partition. This makes it easier for you to later redistribute
cores across partitions (that is, load balance). See “Load-Balancing
Active Cores” for details.
you Start. If you decide to enable e-mail connectivity, your Instant
Capacity system must be network accessible to HP mail servers that
are outside your company's firewalls. If your Instant Capacity system
is on an isolated network, e-mail from the system does not reach
HP. This causes your system to be out of compliance with your Instant
Capacity contract if you are using temporary capacity (TiCAP).
Sendmail. sendmail is the application used
by the Instant Capacity software to send encrypted mail messages
from your system to HP. The sendmail daemon,
if running, can also be used to receive e-mail. For the purposes of
this e-mail configuration, only the ability to send e-mail is required.
Mail applications invoke sendmail to
send e-mail. The configuration file, /etc/mail/sendmail.cf, offers tremendous flexibility.
of E-mail Routing Across the Internet. When sendmail is invoked by the Instant
Capacity software to send e-mail to HP, sendmail determines
where it should initially send the e-mail (the first hop). Mail
often goes through multiple systems (hops) before it reaches the
final destination. To determine the first hop for the e-mail, sendmail uses
one of the following:
The e-mail is routed to a mail relay
host if it is configured in the /etc/mail/sendmail.cf configuration file. This is the easiest implementation
and can be done with just a one line change (DS)
to the default /etc/mail/sendmail.cf file.
Note that the relay host must be configured to properly route (forward)
the mail to the final destination.
DNS MX records - this method requires that the Instant
Capacity system be in an environment (network) where DNS (Domain
Name Server) is operating and properly configured. sendmail on the system queries a DNS server for the name of the
mail server to forward the e-mail to (for the first hop) in order
for the e-mail to reach the final destination (hp.com).
In all cases, the following requirements must be met:
HP’s mail servers receiving
mail expect the host (the mail server in the last hop before reaching
HP) to be properly registered in DNS. Otherwise the HP mail server
rejects or “bounces” the e-mail.
The 'From' field (e-mail address) in the e-mail
message must be known by the receiving mail server (that is, the
hostname is registered in DNS and advertised on the internet). Otherwise,
the receiving mail server at HP rejects the mail. This field in
the e-mail can be configured with a simple one line modification
(DM) to the /etc/mail/sendmail.cf file.
In some DNS environments, no changes to the default /etc/mail/sendmail.cf file may be needed to properly route e-mail from the
Instant Capacity system to HP.
In some environments, configuring your system to
properly send e-mail from the system to HP can require as little
as a two line edit (or none) to the /etc/mail/sendmail.cf file. Configuring mail, including sendmail and DNS configurations, is usually handled by the IT
team in most organizations.
Example A-3 Example
Edit to Sendmail Configuration (/etc/mail/sendmail.cf)
DMmy_company.com DSmailhub.my_company.com
This example assumes the following:
The Instant Capacity system’s
hostname is: myICAPsystem.my_site.my_company.com
The From field of the e-mail
is set to my_company.com rather than the exact
hostname of the Instant Capacity system. This is because most organizations
do not advertise the names of their internal servers to the internet;
however, they do advertise a few (select) high level domain names
to the internet.
The Instant Capacity system is not advertised to
the internet but hostname mycompany.com is advertised
and reachable from the internet
E-mail is forwarded from the system to a mail relay
host called mailhub. The mail server called mailhub may
either be directly connected to the internet and send the e-mail
directly to HP, or it may forward the e-mail to another mail server
on its way to HP.
 |  |
 | NOTE: Any bounced Instant Capacity e-mail messages are sent
to the adm mailbox. |
 |  |
to Confirm or Diagnose E-mail Configuration
After you have configured your Instant Capacity system to
send e-mail over the internet you can use the following steps to
confirm the e-mail configuration or to aid in debugging the configuration:
Send an e-mail
message from your system to an e-mail address in the same domain
(intranet) and confirm receipt of the e-mail message.
Send an e-mail message from
your system to an e-mail address outside of your domain (to the
internet, for example, to a yahoo or
hotmail e-mail address) and confirm receipt
of the e-mail message.
Send an e-mail message from
your system to someone at HP (for example, a HP representative in
a local account team) and confirm the person at HP received the
e-mail message.
As root,
execute the command:
/usr/sbin/icapnotify <reply_address>
If the previous steps are
all successful, but asset reports are still not visible at the HP
portal, examine your e-mail configuration to determine if outgoing
messages are automatically being modified or appended, for example,
to include something like a privacy notice. Additions or modifications
to encrypted asset reports may cause them to be rejected by the
The command in Step 4 sends an e-mail message to HP’s audit application.
HP sends a confirmation e-mail message to the reply_address. Receipt
of the confirmation e-mail message confirms successful e-mail configuration.
Instant Capacity’s FROM E-mail Address
One of the e-mail requirements of the Instant Capacity program
is that the FROM e-mail address, on e-mail messages
sent by the Instant Capacity software from your system, must be
DNS resolvable.
The Instant Capacity software uses adm@localhost.domain as the default FROM e-mail
address (where localhost is the hostname of your system and domain is its DNS domain). If the default FROM e-mail address
is undesirable, you can configure the Instant Capacity software to
use a FROM address you specify.
Configuring a Specified FROM Address
To configure your specified Instant Capacity FROM e-mail
address, execute the following command:
/usr/sbin/icapmodify -f from_address
You can verify the configured Instant Capacity FROM e-mail
address by using the /usr/sbin/icapstatus command.
After you have configured a specified FROM e-mail address,
the Instant Capacity software uses it on all subsequent e-mail messages
sent from your system.
Reverting to the Default FROM Address
If you have specified an Instant Capacity FROM e-mail
address and you want to revert to the default FROM e-mail
address (adm@localhost.domain), execute the following command:
/usr/sbin/icapmodify -f ““
Your Server to Send but Not Receive E-Mail
For security reasons, some organizations do not wish to allow
incoming mail. If you want your Instant Capacity system to be capable
of only sending e-mail, and not receiving e-mail, complete the following configuration
To prevent the sendmail daemon from starting up again when your system reboots,
edit the /etc/rc.config.d/mailservs file, changing the value of SENDMAIL_SERVER to 0:
vi /etc/rc.config.d/mailservs
# Mail configuration. See sendmail(1m) #
# BSD’s popular message handling system
# SENDMAIL_SERVER: Set to 1 if this is a mail server
# and should run the sendmail deamon.
# SENDMAIL_SERVER_NAME: If this is not a mail server, but a
# client being served by another
# system, then set this variable to
# the name of the mail server system
# name so that site hiding can be
# performed.
To immediately stop the server from receiving e-mail,
kill the active sendmail daemon by executing the following command:
/sbin/init.d/sendmail stop