GETUAI, Utilities, Extracts SYSUAF information into DCL Symbols GETUAI Introduction: GETUAI is a utility that allows the user to obtain OpenVMS User Authorization Information, from the SYS$SYSTEM:SYSUAF.DAT file, and place the information into a DCL symbol. Function: The function of this program is to fetch User Authorization Information using the $GETUAI system service in lieu of an F$GETUAI lexical function. Definition and Calling Procedure: $ GETUAI :== $FERMI$EXE:GETUAI $ GETUAI username /qualifier... or $ GETUAI . /qualifier... Since GETUAI uses the $GETUAI system service, it should work across VMS upgrades unlike GETUAF which reads and interprets the UAF records directly. Privileges: BYPASS or SYSPRV allows access to any record in the User Authorization File (UAF). GRPPRV allows access to any record in the UAF whose UIC group number matches that of the requestor. Any user can access any UAF record whose UIC matches his own. Building GETUAI: Execute the TO_BUILD.COM DCL Procedure. Author Information: The original author of this software is Frank J. Nagy of Fermilab Accelerator Controls. Submittor Information: This software was suvmitted to by Nick Metrowsky of Rice University; Houston, Texas.