

RuleWorks is a rules-based application development tool providing the convenience of cross-platform development combined with one of the most powerful high level rules-based languages and fastest inference engine.

RuleWorks is a language, compiler (with debugger), and Run-Time Library for constructing high performance, modular, object-oriented, forward-chaining, rules-based applications. It provides portability by producing ANSI C sources which can then be compiled with any of the leading C or C++ compilers. There is a Run-Time Library for each supported platform and C compiler.

Rules-based approaches have been successful in numerous applications in the manufacturing industries wherever decision support or rapid prototyping is required. Other applicable domains include configuration, selection, data acquisition and process control. Healthcare firms and others who require interactive diagnostic programs have also used expert systems to great advantage.

A rule (or production) is defined as an "if-then" or "when-do" construct consisting of a conditional part, called the Left Hand Side (LHS), and an action sequence, called the Right Hand Side (RHS). Rules operate on in-memory objects which represent concepts or entities in the real world. These objects, called Working Memory Objects, are composed of a set of attribute value pairs.

During each recognize-act cycle, RuleWorks examines the LHS of all active rules to determine which rules' LHS conditions are satisfied given the current state of Working Memory Objects. RuleWorks then applies conflict resolution criteria to determine which of these rules should have its action sequence executed. Actions in turn, can modify the state of Working Memory Objects. This cycle is repeated until no more rules are satisfied or until a rule explicitly halts processing.

A rules-based language differs from a conventional programming language in that rules are not processed in sequential order; rather, the order of execution is driven by the current state of working memory data.


The RuleWorks compiler and the run-time systems are written in ANSI C and the compiler generates ANSI C output files. RuleWorks is currently supported on the following platforms:

Processor Operating System

Intel Windows 98/95

Intel Windows 2000/NT

Intel Linux

Alpha Linux

Alpha Windows NT


Alpha OpenVMS



RuleWorks provides features designed to support the software engineering concepts of modularity and information hiding. For example the programmer can write multiple independent rules-based subsystems which do not interfere with each other. It is also possible for multiple rules-based subsystems to share specific sets of information with each other, or to share all of the information to which each has access. Programmers can also control all of the functional and all of the matchable information subsystem interfaces.

Rules-based subsystems can be called from other rules-based programs or from programs written in other languages. From a rules-based module, calls can be made to any other subprogram (including those which are rules-based), even recursively. Function arguments are passed via standard calling mechanisms with automatic data type coercions.

Match Extensions

The LHS is the "if" or "when" part of a rule. It specifies the conditions in working memory which must be true before the rule can execute. The LHS is composed of condition elements (CEs), each of which can match objects of a particular class, and its subclasses, if any. RuleWorks performs a logical AND operation on all the CEs on the LHS. A rule is eligible to execute when there are objects which match all of its positive CEs, but there are no objects which match any of its negative CEs. The RHS is the "then/do" part of a rule. It consists of one or more actions. The actions on the RHS of a rule are executed only when the LHS matches working memory and the resulting particular instance is picked during conflict resolution.

RuleWorks provides the following new matching features:

· Variables are evaluated within value disjunctions, including variables bound in other condition elements.

· Relational predicates (>, <, >=, =) can compare integers to floats, and symbols with symbols using localizable lexicographic ordering.

· New similarity predicate, ~=, which for numbers tests for equality within a 1% margin, and which for symbols uses the SOUNDEX algorithm to compare phonetic (in English) similarity.

· New dissimilarity predicate, -~=, which matches when the similarity test fails.

· Comparisons of compound attributes against function return values.

· The containment and non-containment predicates can be applied to scalar attributes, as long as the argument to the predicate is a compound value (e.g. ^name [+] <name-list>).

· The containment predicate can also be applied in conjunction with a scalar predicate to search the compound attribute for a value which satisfies the scalar predicate.


RuleWorks is the preferred tool for developing high-performance, commercial quality rules-based systems. Systems developed with RuleWorks are well suited to solve problems in:




Process monitoring and control



Decision support

Data mining

Rapid prototyping

Applications involving these problems are found in such industries as discrete manufacturing, petrochemicals, banking, insurance, transportation, aerospace, education, health care, and government.


· Support for an object-oriented data model with a single inheritance class hierarchy, with matching at arbitrary levels in the hierarchy, and unique immutable instance identifiers

· Support for multi-valued, or compound, attributes. Provides match primitives for comparing either entire compound values, or a specific element within a compound value, and for searching an entire compound value for some specific value.

· Optional attribute data types allow the user to restrict the domain of an attribute to a specific type of value (or values in the case of a compound attribute).

· API allows the direct creation, modification, and deletion of objects in working memory

Application Development Process

Developing applications for any supported platform is straightforward:


RuleWorks achieves high performance through a compiled language implementation, and utilizes a variant of the Rete match algorithm to represent the interdependencies of rules and data in a highly efficient way.

The Rete network greatly speeds up the pattern-matching (inference) operation by eliminating the need for exhaustive redundant tests at execution time.

Run-Time System

The RuleWorks run-time system includes a command interpreter which lets the user control the running of RuleWorks programs and issue debugging commands.

The RuleWorks debugging commands can be used to find errors in the program and to interact with it while it is running. The DEBUG action and the DEBUG qualifier together allow the user to control the invocation of the RuleWorks command interpreter with no changes to the source code. If your program calls routines written in another language, you use that language's debugger to find errors in those routines.

The RuleWorks run-time system also provides an application programming interface for use from other languages.



Processors Supported

Alpha : All models

VAX: All models supported by OpenVMS and DEC C

Intel: 486 or better


The requirements listed below apply to currently available RuleWorks kits. RuleWorks can be ported to run on almost any platform for which an ANSI C compiler is available.

For OpenVMS Alpha Systems

· OpenVMS Alpha Operating System V6.2 or higher

· DEC C or DEC C++ V5.5 or higher

For OpenVMS VAX Systems

· OpenVMS VAX Operating System V6.2 or higher

· DEC C or DEC C++ V5.5 or higher

For Intel Systems

· Windows 95 Operating System, or

· Windows NT Operating System V4.0

· WATCOM C/C++ V10.0 , or

For Alpha COMPAQ TRU64 UNIX Systems

· COMPAQ TRU64 UNIX Operating System V4.0 or higher

· DEC C V5.2 or higher, or

· DEC C++ V5.5 or higher

For Alpha Windows NT Systems

· Windows NT Operating System V4.0 or higher

· Microsoft Win32 SDK for Windows NT, or

· Microsoft Visual C++ V5.0, or

· Microsoft CL AXP compiler V8.00 or higher

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All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their holders.