Site powered by WASD and VMS    A collection of CGI scripts suitable for WASD, OSU, Apache and Purveyor Web servers.  These scripts have generally originated from or been ported to the WASD environment and are here made more generally available.

All of the software and documentation in these packages is Copyright © 1996-2001 Mark G. Daniel, licenced under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License, or any later version.  Some portions may be covered by other licenses, all provided "as-is" and for unrestricted use.  Consult the documentation available with each for details.

HyperSPI++  -  Authored by Jean-François Piéronne, is the basic HyperSPI available in the WASD package, plus additional report items, plus more sophisticated graphics.  Should be suitable for WASD, OSU, Purveyor, Apache*.

VMSeti  -  A graphical interface for monitoring the progress of VMS SETI@home processing.  Suitable for WASD, OSU, Purveyor, Apache*.

WASDSCRIPTS  -  Collection of WASD scripts for other servers; OSU, Purveyor, Apache*.  These have been unbundled from the WASD package, are supplied standard with it, and so of course do not require adding back to it!  Includes calendar generator, Bookreader/BNU, Help & text library reader, ad hoc file search, server log statistics, system performance monitor.

WWWCOUNT  -  VMS port of Muhammad A. Muquit's widely used COUNT v2.5, a standard CGI program to count raw access hits in web pages.  It is a graphic counter, keeps the hits in text file and among many features, can be used to show time, date and countdown to a date.  Suitable for WASD, OSU, Purveyor, Apache*.

yahMAIL  -  Direct, on-line Web access to a VMS system's native Mail environment via a standard browser.  Suitable for WASD, OSU, Purveyor, Apache*.

WASD Server  -  on this CD, on the Web at

Hope you find these useful!

All script packages contain a base source and support archive, from which the application(s) may be built through compilation and linking. There are also AXP (Alpha) and VAX specific object module archives, built for a base of VMS V6.0 (and so should work for 6.n and 7.n), that can be restored and used for a link-only build.

* These scripts have been designed for the CSWS V1.0-1 package (based on Apache 1.3.12) released on 5th January 2001 (and presumably subsequent versions).  They are not suitable for earlier versions of VMS Apache and CSWS due to the specifics of the CGI interface.

** At the time of close of CD submissions VAX DECC 6.n issued a "%VCG-F-BUGCHECK, Compiler bug check during front end phase. Submit an SPR with a problem description." during compilation.

*** Note that the "readme"s may contain links only valid after UNZIPing and/or configuration.


As of the date below, the following is the primary distribution site for full packges, latest versions, updates, bugfixes, other support packages, etc.

 Mark G. Daniel
 January 2001