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Displays the names and attributes of one or more specified development streams.
SHOW STREAM [stream-name [, stream-name...]]
The name of a development stream whose name and other attributes are to be displayed.You can display more than one stream using wildcard characters. The percent sign (%) in a stream name matches any single character in the position it occupies and the asterisk (*) matches zero or more characters in the position it occupies. Those streams whose names match the wildcard pattern are displayed.
If you do not specify a stream-name parameter, VDE displays all streams in the current library.
Depending on the qualifiers you select, the SHOW STREAM command displays the name of each selected stream, the name and remark string of each stream, or the name and all other attributes of each stream. The command can also show the total number of streams that match a stream name specification.
/NORMAL (default)
Determines the information that is displayed for each stream. The /BRIEF qualifier displays the name of each stream that matches the stream-name parameters. The /NORMAL qualifier displays the name and remark string of each stream. The /FULL qualifier displays the name and all other attributes of each stream.Of /BRIEF, /NORMAL, and /FULL, /NORMAL is the default.
Displays all descendants of each specified stream. This qualifier displays the name of each stream created from the specified stream (that is, whose parent is the specified stream), the descendants of each such child stream, the descendants of those descendants, and so on. The display is indented so that all streams with the same parent are indented by the same amount under that parent./OPEN
Specifies that only streams with a certain status be displayed. /OPEN specifies that open streams be displayed, /FROZEN specifies that frozen streams be displayed, and /CLOSED specifies that permanently closed streams be displayed. If you specify a combination of these qualifiers, all streams with one of the specified status values are displayed. If you omit all three qualifiers, all streams are displayed regardless of status./OUTPUT=file-spec
Directs the printed output of this command to a specified file. The file-spec parameter specifies the name of the file. VDE creates a new file with that name, directs the command's print output to that file, and prints nothing on your terminal. If this qualifier is omitted, all output appears on the terminal./QUEUE
Dislays the default batch queues to which build jobs for the specified stream are submitted. This information includes the name of each batch queue used to run the build job, the process count for each queue, and the total process count for the build job./SUCCESSOR
Displays all successor chains of each specified stream. This qualifier displays lists of streams separated by arrows (-->) to show how source changes are propagated from stream to stream by the REPLACE command./TOTAL
Shows the total number of streams that match the stream-name parameters. Other information about the individual streams is not shown. A separate count is provided for each stream-name parameter. Wildcard characters are usually used in the stream-name parameters when using this qualifier.
#1 |
VDE„ SHOW STREAM Stream BASE-LEVEL-3 "Base level 3 for version 2.1" Stream V1.0 "Version 1.0 final release" Stream V1.0-FT1 "Version 1 Field Test 1 release" Stream V1.0-FT2 "Version 1 Field Test 2 release" Stream V1.0-FT3 "Version 1 Field Test 3 release" Stream V1.1 "Version 1.1 as finally released" Stream V2.0 "Version 2.0 final release" Stream V2.0-FT "Version 2 Field Test release" VDE„ |
This example illustrates the normal output of the SHOW STREAM command. VDE lists all streams in the current VDE library (the default when no stream name parameter is present) and displays the name and remark string for each stream.
#2 |
VDE„ SHOW STREAM/BRIEF Stream BASE-LEVEL-3 Stream V1.0 Stream V1.0-FT1 Stream V1.0-FT2 Stream V1.0-FT3 Stream V1.1 Stream V2.0 Stream V2.0-FT VDE„ |
This example shows the brief output of the SHOW STREAM command. VDE shows the name of each stream, but no more.
#3 |
VDE„ SHOW STREAM/FULL BASE-LEVEL-3 Stream BASE-LEVEL-3 Stream created on 4-APR-1989 14:58:16.13 Stream created by user SMITH (Jane Smith) Parent stream is V2.0 Stream has no successors Stream is not part of the main development thread Stream cannot be deleted CMS class is not maintained for stream Replacements are immediate for stream Stream is open for checkins Default build-step delay interval: 0 00:00:03.22 Default build-job timeout interval: 0 00:45:05.00 Remark: Base level 3 for version 2.1 VDE„ |
This example shows the full output of the SHOW STREAM command.
#4 |
VDE„ SHOW STREAM/TOTAL V* Number of streams matching name V*: 7 VDE„ |
The /TOTAL qualifier displays the number of streams that match the name specification. In this case, the name specification (V*) matches all streams whose names begin with the letter V. There are 7 such streams.
#5 |
VDE„ SHOW STREAM MAIN/DESCENDANTS/SUCCESSOR/QUEUE Stream MAIN "Main development stream" Descendant streams: MAIN (main) V1.0 (main) V1.0-1 V1.0-2 V1.0-3 V2.0 (main) V2.1-1 V2.1-2-BL1 SUBDIR_TEST HICKORY Successor chains: MAIN -> V1.0 -> V2.0 Default build-job batch queues to run 1 processes: Submit 1 processes (scaled from 1) on queue SYS$BATCH VDE„ |
This example shows the output of the /DESCENDANT, /SUCCESSOR, and /QUEUE qualifiers. The /DESCENDANTS qualifier shows the whole tree of descendants created, directly or indirectly, from stream MAIN. The /SUCCESSOR qualifier shows that the REPLACE command will propagate changes from stream MAIN into streams V1.0 and V2.0. The /QUEUE qualifier shows that build jobs for stream MAIN will submit one process to queue SYS$BATCH by default.
Displays all symbol definitions established with the DEFINE/COMMAND command. Such symbols are used for VDE command abbreviations.
SHOW SYMBOL symbol-name
Specifies the name of the symbol to show. If symbol-name includes asterisks (*), each asterisk is treated as a wildcard character that matches zero or more characters. All symbols whose names match the wildcard pattern are shown.
The DEFINE/COMMAND command allows you to create command abbreviations in the VDE command language. The SHOW SYMBOL command lets you see all the symbols you have defined.
#1 |
In this example, the DEFINE/COMMAND command creates a command abbreviation that binds the string "SHOW MODULE" to symbol SM. The SHOW SYMBOL command then displays the command definition for SM.
#2 |
The SHOW SYMBOL command contains a wildcard character for the symbol name. As a result, the command displays the definitions of all defined symbols.
Displays the line width and page size that VDE uses to format terminal output. To change these settings, use the SET TERMINAL command.
#1 |
VDE„ SHOW TERMINAL Terminal page size: 50, Terminal width: 80 VDE„ |
The SHOW TERMINAL command shows that VDE currently uses a page size of 50 lines and a line width of 80 columns to format output to the terminal.
Displays the database records of specified users of the current VDE library.
SHOW USER [username [, username...]]
The OpenVMS username of an existing user of the current VDE library. VDE displays this user's database record.You can display information for many users by using wildcard characters in the username. The percent sign (%) in a username matches any single character in the position it occupies and the asterisk (*) matches zero or more characters in the position it occupies. VDE displays all user records whose usernames match the wildcard pattern.
If you do not specify a username parameter or the /CURRENT qualifier, VDE displays all user records in the database.
Depending on the qualifiers you select, the SHOW USER command displays the OpenVMS username, full name string, creator and creation date of the user's database record, remark string, and authorized and default privileges for each specified user. The command also can show the total number of users that match a given username specification.
/BRIEF (default)
Determines the type of information about the specified users that is displayed. The /BRIEF qualifier lists the username and full name string of each user. The /FULL qualifier displays the same information as the /BRIEF qualifier and also the name of the creator of the user record and the date the record was created, the remark string, and the user's authorized and default privileges.Of /BRIEF and /FULL, the former is the default.
Displays the user record of the current user. Do not specify the username parameter if you use this qualifier./OUTPUT=file-spec
Directs the printed output of this command to a specified file. The file-spec parameter specifies the name of the file. VDE creates a new file with that name, directs the command's print output to that file, and prints nothing on your terminal. If this qualifier is omitted, all output appears on the terminal./TOTAL
Shows the total number of users that match the username parameters. Other information about the users is not shown. A separate count is provided for each username parameter. Wildcard characters are usually used in the username parameters when using this qualifier.
#1 |
VDE„ SHOW USER User DOE (John Doe) User DOLOMITE (Rock Dolomite) User JONES (Frank Jones) User SMITH (Jane Smith) VDE„ |
This example illustrates the SHOW USER command without parameters or qualifiers. The command lists the usernames and full names of all users recorded in the current database.
#2 |
VDE„ SHOW USER SMITH, DO* User SMITH (Jane Smith) User DOE (John Doe) User DOLOMITE (Rock Dolomite) VDE„ |
In this example, the SHOW USER command with username parameters gives a brief listing for user SMITH and all users whose usernames begin with "DO".
#3 |
VDE„ SHOW USER SMITH/FULL User SMITH (Jane Smith) User added to database on 20-OCT-1988 17:56:23.83 User added to database by user DOE (John Doe) Remark: OpenVMS Developer Default privileges: BUILD CREFAC CREMOD Authorized privileges: BUILD CREFAC CREMOD CREUSR VDE„ |
Here the /FULL qualifier lists all database information for user SMITH.
#4 |
VDE„ SHOW USER/TOTAL D* Number of users matching name D*: 2 VDE„ |
This example shows how the /TOTAL qualifier lists the number of users whose usernames match a given name specification. In this case, a username containing a wildcard character (D*) selects all users whose usernames begin with "D." The output shows that there are two such users in the database.
Indicates whether command input is verified (echoed) at the terminal before the input is executed. To enable verification, use the SET VERIFY command.
#1 |
VDE„ SHOW VERIFY Not verifying commands VDE„ |
The SHOW VERIFY command shows that command verification is disabled.
Displays the VDE version string for the version of VDE you are running.
#1 |
VDE„ SHOW VERSION Executing VDE for OpenVMS VAX Version V1.5-0 VDE„ |
The SHOW VERSION command displays what version of VDE you are running.
Creates a subprocess of the current process. The context of the subprocess is copied from the current process. You can use the SPAWN command to leave VDE temporarily, perform other functions (such as reading your mail), and then return to VDE.
SPAWN [command]
Specifies the DCL command string that executes in the created subprocess. When the command completes, the subprocess terminates and control is returned to the parent process. If this parameter is not specified, a subprocess is created that transfers control to the DCL command level.
Specifies an input file containing one or more DCL command strings to be executed by the spawned subprocess. If you specify a command string along with an input file, the command string is processed before the commands in the input file. After processing is complete, the subprocess is terminated./LOGICAL_NAMES (default)
Specifies whether the logical names of the parent process are copied to the subprocess. When you do not want the subprocess to use the logical names of the parent process, enter the qualifier /NOLOGICAL_NAMES./OUTPUT=filespec
Identifies the output file to which the results of the SPAWN operation are written. If you omit the /OUTPUT qualifier, output is written by default to the current SYS$OUTPUT device. Whenever you use the /NOWAIT qualifier, you should also use the /OUTPUT qualifier to specify a new output destination. Doing so prevents output from being displayed on your terminal while you are entering new VDE commands./PROCESS=subprocess-name
Specifies the name of the subprocess. The default name of the subprocess is USERNAME_n./SYMBOLS (default)
Determines whether the system passes DCL global and local symbols to the subprocess. The default is /SYMBOLS./WAIT (default)
Controls whether VDE waits until the subprocess is completed before allowing more VDE commands to be entered. The /NOWAIT qualifier allows you to enter new VDE commands while the specified subprocess is running. If you specify /NOWAIT, you should also use the /OUTPUT qualifier to direct the output stream to a file rather than to your terminal. Doing so prevents your terminal from being used by more than one process simultaneously.
#1 |
VDE„ SPAWN $ SHOW TIME 24-MAR-1989 16:35:14 $ LOGOUT Process JONES_1 logged out at 24-MAR-1989 16:35:17.37 %VDE-I-SPAWNED, subprocess spawned %VDE-I-RETURNED, control returned to process JONES VDE„ |
The SPAWN command without parameters creates a subprocess that prompts for DCL command input. The user enters the SHOW TIME command at the DCL prompt and the time is displayed. The user then logs out of the subprocess, which returns control to the VDE session.
#2 |
VDE„ SPAWN SHOW TIME 15-OCT-1988 15:34:07 %VDE-I-SPAWNED, subprocess spawned %VDE-I-RETURNED, control returned to process JONES VDE„ |
This example shows how to create a subprocess that executes the DCL command SHOW TIME while you are using VDE. After the command is completed, you are returned immediately to the VDE prompt.
#3 |
VDE„SPAWN MAIL MAIL> READ/NEW . . . MAIL> EXIT %VDE-I-SPAWNED, subprocess spawned %VDE-I-RETURNED, control returned to process SMITH VDE„ |
This example shows how to create a subprocess that invokes the OpenVMS MAIL Utility while you are in VDE. When you exit from the MAIL Utility, the subprocess disappears and the VDE„ prompt returns.
#4 |
VDE„ SPAWN /OUTPUT=TIME.DAT SHOW TIME %VDE-I-SPAWNED, subprocess spawned %VDE-I-RETURNED, control returned to process SMITH VDE„ EXIT $ TYPE TIME.DAT 15-OCT-1988 15:34:07 $ |
This example shows how to create a subprocess to invoke the DCL command SHOW TIME while you are using the VDE Utility. The /OUTPUT qualifier specifies that the results of the SHOW TIME command be written to a file named TIME.DAT.
#5 |
VDE„ SPAWN /NOLOGICAL_NAMES SET HOST _Node: MARS . . . $ LOGOUT CRAMMER logged out at ... %REM-S-END, control returned to node _BETA:: %VDE-I-SPAWNED, subprocess spawned %VDE-I-RETURNED, control returned to process JONES VDE„ |
This example shows how to use the SPAWN command to create a subprocess which uses the SET HOST command to log onto another node. To leave node MARS and move back to node BETA, enter the DCL command LOGOUT. The /NOLOGICAL_NAMES qualifier prevents the logical names of the parent process from being copied to the subprocess.
Starts the execution of a build job by submitting build processes to OpenVMS batch queues.
START BUILD_JOB [stream-name [, stream-name...]]
The name of a development stream. The most recent build job in this stream is started.You can start build jobs for more than one development stream by using wildcard characters in the stream name. The percent sign (%) in a name matches any single character in the position it occupies and the asterisk (*) matches zero or more characters in the position it occupies. Build jobs are started for those streams whose names match the wildcard pattern.
If you omit the stream-name parameter, VDE starts the most recent build job for the default stream.
The START BUILD_JOB command starts the most recently created build job in each stream that matches the specified stream names. (To create a build job, use the BUILD command.)To start a build job, the START BUILD_JOB command submits one or more batch jobs to the OpenVMS batch queues associated with the build job. Then each batch job runs a program called VDE$BUILD that executes the build steps belonging to the build job. The steps are executed in a loop until all the steps are done. The VDE$BUILD program does the following for each build step:
By running this program in many processes simultaneously for a single build job, you can distribute the execution of your build across several processors (whether in a single machine or in multiple machines in a cluster). The /QUEUE qualifier specifies the batch queues to run the build job. The /PROCESS_COUNT qualifier specifies the total number of processes VDE submits to the batch queues performing the build job.
- The program looks in the database for the next available build step. (A build step is available if it is not waiting for another step to complete.) If no step is available, the program waits a few seconds before looking for another available build step.
- When the program finds a build step to run, it looks up the VDE script for that step and, from the script, generates the DCL commands needed to run the step. The program then sends the DCL commands to a subprocess that executes the build step, and waits for the step to complete.
- After the step completes, the program records the completion status of the step in the database. A step completes either successfully or with errors. If the step completes successfully, the program updates the step's build dependency information in the database and then looks for another step to perform.
If you specify the /QUEUE and /PROCESS_COUNT qualifiers with the START BUILD_JOB command, they override any previous specifications. If you do not specify them with the START BUILD_JOB command, VDE uses the queues and process count specified with the BUILD command that created the build job. If neither was specified with the BUILD command, VDE uses the default queues and process count for the stream.
You cannot start a build job that is currently running. However, you can suspend such a build job with the SUSPEND BUILD_JOB command and then restart it using the START BUILD_JOB command. (This is useful, for example, if you want to change the batch queues running the build job.) Also, you cannot start a build job that has already completed execution.
Indicates that the build job begins execution after the specified date and time. The date and time are stated in standard OpenVMS date-time syntax. This qualifier specifies the start time for each of the batch jobs that execute the build job./CONFIRM
/NOCONFIRM (default)
Controls whether VDE asks you to confirm that you want each build job started. The /CONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to print a message for each build job asking whether you want that build job started. If you answer YES (or Y), the build job is started. If you answer NO (or N), the build job is not started. The /NOCONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to start the specified build jobs without asking for confirmation./LOG (default)
Controls whether log messages are printed after each build job has started. The /LOG qualifier causes such messages to be printed and the /NOLOG qualifier suppresses them. These messages indicate that the build job has started and shows how many processes have been submitted to each batch queue associated with the build job./PROCESS_COUNT=proc-count
Specifies the total number of processes to execute the build job. VDE creates the processes by submitting batch jobs to the queues specified by the /QUEUE qualifier or to the default queues for the default stream. The number of processes that VDE creates (that is, the number of OpenVMS batch jobs it submits) is specified with the proc-count parameter. This parameter thus specifies the degree of parallelism you want for the build job./QUEUE=(queue-name [,queue-name...])
Specifies the OpenVMS batch queues to which the build job is submitted. Each queue-name parameter specifies one batch queue. The queue-name parameter may optionally be followed by a process count in parentheses. This count specifies the number of processes started on the queue that runs the build job. For example, SYS$BATCH(3) causes three build-job processes to be submitted to queue SYS$BATCH. If the process count is omitted, one process is submitted to the queue.If you only specify one queue-name parameter, the parentheses may be omitted.
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