Reference Manual

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Deletes one or more groups from the current VDE database.

Requires CREGRP privilege.


DELETE GROUP group-name [,group-name...]



The name of a source group or build group defined in the default development stream that is to be deleted from the database.

You can delete more than one group at a time by using wildcard characters in the group name. The percent sign (%) in a group name matches any single character in the position it occupies and the asterisk (*) matches zero or more characters in the position it occupies. Those groups whose names match the wildcard pattern are deleted.


This command deletes the database definition of each source group or build group listed as a parameter. The /SOURCE or /BUILD qualifier determines whether source groups or build groups are deleted. Group definitions are deleted only in the default development stream. This command does not affect the modules that are members of the deleted groups, only the definitions of the groups.



/SOURCE (default)

Specifies whether source groups or build groups are deleted. The /SOURCE qualifier causes VDE to delete the source groups with the specified names. The /BUILD qualifier causes VDE to delete the build groups with the specified names. If neither qualifier is specified, VDE deletes source groups.

Of /BUILD and /SOURCE, /SOURCE is the default.


/NOCONFIRM (default)

Controls whether VDE asks you to confirm that you want each group deleted. The /CONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to print a message giving the name of the group and asking if you want it deleted. If you answer YES (or Y), the group definition is deleted from the database. If you answer NO (or N), the group is not deleted. If you use a group specification that contains wildcard characters, VDE asks you to confirm the deletion of each group that matches the wildcard specification. The /NOCONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to delete all specified groups without asking for confirmation.

/LOG (default)


Controls whether log messages are printed after each group has been deleted. The /LOG qualifier causes such messages to be printed and the /NOLOG qualifier suppresses them. These messages indicate that the group has been deleted and that the database transaction has successfully committed.


Specifies a remark string to be stored in the database for the deleted group. The quoted remark string, which can be up to 132 characters long, may contain any explanatory remark about the group or its deletion that you want to store in the database.



%VDE-I-GRPDEL, group GRPNAM deleted from the database
%VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed

In this example, the source group called GRPNAM is deleted from the VDE database in the default stream. The log messages confirm that the group was deleted and that the corresponding database transaction completed successfully.


%VDE-I-GRPDEL, group GRP1 deleted from the database
%VDE-I-GRPDEL, group GRP2 deleted from the database
%VDE-I-GRPDEL, group GRP33 deleted from the database
%VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed

This example shows how to specify a list of group names with the DELETE GROUP command. The log messages list the groups that were deleted. Because the /BUILD qualifier is specified, this command only deletes build groups.


Delete group GROUP_1 ? [No]: Y
%VDE-I-GRPDEL, group GROUP_1 deleted from the database
Delete group GROUP_2 ? [No]: N
%VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed

This example illustrates the /CONFIRM qualifier. This qualifier causes VDE to ask the user whether each specified group should be deleted. For group GROUP_1, the user answers Y (for YES) and that group is deleted from the database, as the log message shows. For group GROUP_2, the user answers N (for NO), that group is not deleted, and no log message is displayed. The final log message indicates that the database transaction for the whole command has successfully committed.


%VDE-I-GRPDEL, group GRP1 deleted from the database
%VDE-I-GRPDEL, group GRP2 deleted from the database
%VDE-I-GRPDEL, group GRP22 deleted from the database
%VDE-I-GRPDEL, group GRP33 deleted from the database
%VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed

In this example, the group specification (GRP*) contains a wildcard character. The asterisk matches zero or more characters. Source groups GRP1, GRP2, GRP22, and GRP33 match the group specification and are deleted as the log messages show.


%VDE-I-GRPDEL, group GRP1 deleted from the database
%VDE-I-GRPDEL, group GRP2 deleted from the database
%VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed

This example is identical to the previous example except that the percent sign is used as a wildcard character. The percent sign matches exactly one character. As a result, source groups GRP1 and GRP2 (but not GRP22 or GRP33) match the group specification (GRP%) and are deleted.


Deletes one or more modules from the current VDE library.

Requires DELMOD privilege or, in some cases, CREMOD privilege.


DELETE MODULE mod-name [, mod-name...]



The name of a module to be deleted from the current VDE library. This name consists of a module name and a type name separated by a period (such as MOD1.PAS) and can be preceded by an optional facility name enclosed in square brackets (as in [FACIL]MOD1.PAS). If no facility name is specified, the current default facility is assumed.

You can delete more than one module at a time by using wildcard characters in any of the three components of the module name. The percent sign (%) in a name matches any single character in the position it occupies and the asterisk (*) matches zero or more characters in the position it occupies. Those modules whose names match the wildcard pattern are deleted.


The DELETE MODULE command deletes each specified module from the current VDE library. When a module is deleted, VDE deletes its database record and removes the module from the build dependency graph and from any group definitions. After committing the database transaction, VDE also deletes each specified module's delta file (CMS element). However, VDE does not remove the module from any stream-specific disk directories such as clear-copy areas or object directories.

Normally, you must have the DELMOD privilege to delete a module. However, if you have created a particular module and you have not yet created the first generation of the module (normally done by replacing the first generation into the VDE library), you are allowed to delete the module without the DELMOD privilege. In this particular case, you must have the CREMOD privilege, which was required for the initial module creation. The creator of a module can thus correct simple mistakes, such as misnaming the module, by simply deleting the module before the initial replacement is performed. The outstanding reservation on the module is canceled, the module is removed from any reservation session that it might be included in, and the module never appears in the VDE library. For further information on the CREATE MODULE command, see CREATE MODULE.

If you are not the creator of a module or if the module already has at least one generation, you must have the DELMOD privilege to delete it and you can only delete a module if the delete attribute is set for the module. If this attribute is not set, you must set it with the MODIFY MODULE /DELETE command before you can delete the module.



/NOCONFIRM (default)

Controls whether VDE asks you to confirm that you want each module deleted. The /CONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to print a message for each module asking whether you want that module deleted. If you answer YES (or Y), that module is deleted from the library. If you answer NO (or N), the module is not deleted. If you enter a module name with a wildcard specification, VDE asks you to confirm the deletion of each module that matches the wildcard specification. The /NOCONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to delete the specified modules without asking for confirmation.

/LOG (default)


Controls whether log messages are printed after each module has been deleted. The /LOG qualifier causes such messages to be printed and the /NOLOG qualifier suppresses them. These messages indicate that the module has been deleted from the library and that the database transaction has successfully committed.


Specifies a remark string to be stored in the database for the deleted module. The quoted remark string, which can be up to 132 characters long, may contain any explanatory remark that you want to store in the database.



%VDE-I-MODDEL, module [CODE]MOD1.PAS deleted from the database
%VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed

In this example, module MOD1.PAS is deleted from the current VDE library. Since no facility name is specified, the module is assumed to belong to the current default facility, facility CODE. The log messages confirm that the module was deleted and that the database transaction successfully completed.


%VDE-I-MODDEL, module [FACIL]FOO.MAR deleted from the database
%VDE-I-MODDEL, module [FACIL]FOO.OBJ deleted from the database
%VDE-I-MODDEL, module [RMS]MOD2.FOR deleted from the database
%VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed

This example shows how to delete multiple modules from the library. The log messages list the deleted modules.


Deletes one or more queued replacements from the VDE database to free up database space. Most users should use CANCEL REPLACEMENT instead.

Requires DELREP privilege.


DELETE REPLACEMENT rep-name [, rep-name...]



The name of a queued replacement to be deleted from the current VDE library. You can delete more than one replacement at a time by using wildcard characters in the replacement name. The percent sign (%) in a name matches any single character in the position it occupies and the asterisk (*) matches zero or more characters in the position it occupies. Those queued replacements whose names match the wildcard pattern are deleted.

Do not specify the rep-name parameter if you use the /IDENTIFICATION qualifier.


The DELETE REPLACEMENT command deletes each specified queued replacement from the current VDE database. This command is used to remove replacement records from the database to free up database space. It can be used to delete both current replacement records and historical replacement data. For this reason, it requires the DELREP privilege.

Users who simply want to cancel a current replacement should use the CANCEL REPLACEMENT command. This command requires the RESREP privilege to cancel your own replacement or the PERFREP privilege to cancel another user's replacement.



/NOCONFIRM (default)

Controls whether VDE asks you to confirm that you want each replacement deleted. The /CONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to print a message for each replacement asking whether you want that replacement deleted. If you answer YES (or Y), that replacement is deleted from the database. If you answer NO (or N), the replacement is not deleted. If you enter a replacement name with a wildcard specification, VDE asks you to confirm the deletion of each replacement whose name matches the wildcard specification. The /NOCONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to delete the specified replacements without asking for confirmation.


Specifies that replacement history be deleted. Replacement history consists of database records for past replacements that have already been performed; it does not include currently queued replacements. When used with the /IDENTIFICATION qualifier, the /HISTORY qualifier deletes information for chronological ranges of past replacements.

If you omit the /HISTORY qualifier, VDE deletes currently queued replacements only.


Specifies that the replacements with the unique Replacement Ids given by the id-range parameter be deleted. Do not specify the rep-name parameter when you use this qualifier.

VDE assigns a unique Replacement Id to each immediate or queued replacement into the VDE library. VDE assigns Replacement Ids in chronological order so that the first replacement into the library has Id value 1, the next has Id value 2, and so on. When you use this qualifier, all replacements that have Id values in the range given by the id-range parameter are deleted.

The id-range parameter can be a single integer value, a range of integers, or a wildcard character. If the parameter is a single integer (for example, /IDENT=5), VDE deletes the replacement with that Replacement Id. If the parameter is a range of integers (specified as two integers separated by a colon as in /IDENT=3:5), VDE deletes the replacements with Ids in that range. Finally, if the id-range parameter is the asterisk wildcard character (as in /IDENT=*), VDE deletes all replacements.

If you specify a zero or negative number in the id-range parameter, that number is relative to the largest Replacement Id value for the VDE library (the latest replacement). For example, if the latest replacement has Replacement Id 250, then /IDENT=0 is equivalent to /IDENT=250 and /IDENT=--1 is equivalent to /IDENT=249.

The /IDENTIFICATION qualifier can be used with the /HISTORY qualifier to delete historical replacement information from the VDE database. Deleting such information allows database space to be reused.

/LOG (default)


Controls whether log messages are printed after each replacement has been deleted. The /LOG qualifier causes such messages to be printed and the /NOLOG qualifier suppresses them. These messages indicate that the replacement has been deleted from the database and that the database transaction has successfully committed.



%VDE-I-REPDEL, replacement ANDERSON-1 deleted from the database
%VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed

In this example, replacement ANDERSON--1 is deleted from the VDE database. The log messages confirm that the replacement was deleted and that the database transaction successfully completed.


Deletes a VDE script from the VDE database.

Requires CRESCRP privilege.




The DELETE SCRIPT command deletes a specified VDE script from the VDE database. VDE only deletes the script of the specified type and segment number that belongs to the default development stream.

You must specify a script-type qualifier to select the script you want deleted. See the description of the CREATE SCRIPT command for an explanation of the different types of scripts and how scripts are selected using script-type qualifiers. You must also specify the script segment number unless the default value applies.

Keywords used within scripts are documented in Script Keywords, while script functions are in Script Functions, and script types are in Script Types. For other script-related commands, also see CREATE SCRIPT, EXTRACT SCRIPT, INVOKE SCRIPT, MODIFY SCRIPT, and SHOW SCRIPT.



Specifies that the default stream's BUILD script be deleted.


Specifies that the default stream's COMPILE script with the specified mod-name specification be deleted.


/NOCONFIRM (default)

Controls whether VDE asks you to confirm that you want each script deleted. The /CONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to print a message for each script asking whether you want that script deleted. If you answer YES (or Y), the script is deleted from the database. If you answer NO (or N), the script is not deleted. The /NOCONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to delete the specified scripts without asking for confirmation.


Specifies that the default stream's COPY script with the specified mod-name specification be deleted.


Specifies that the script that VDE invokes when a new facility is created should be deleted.


Specifies that the default stream's DELETE_GENERATION script with the specified mod-name specification be deleted.


Specifies that the default stream's DIFFERENCES script with the specified mod-name specification be deleted.


Specifies that the default stream's FETCH script with the specified mod-name specification be deleted.


Specifies that the default stream's INSERT_GENERATION script with the specified mod-name specification be deleted.


Specifies that the default stream's LINK script with the specified mod-name specification be deleted.

/LOG (default)


Controls whether log messages are printed after the script is deleted. The /LOG qualifier causes such messages to be printed and the /NOLOG qualifier suppresses them. These messages indicate that the script has been deleted and that the database transaction has committed successfully.


Specifies that the default stream's NEW_STREAM script with the specified fac-name specification be deleted.


Specifies that the default stream's NOKEEP script with the specified mod-name specification be deleted.


Specifies that the default stream's REPLACE script with the specified mod-name specification be deleted.


Specifies that the default stream's RESERVE script with the specified mod-name specification be deleted.


Specifies the segment number of the script to delete. The seg-num parameter specifies the integer segment number. If you omit this qualifier, VDE deletes the script with segment number 10.


Specifies that the default stream's SET_FACILITY script with the specified fac-name specification be deleted.


Specifies that the default stream's SET_STREAM script be deleted.


Specifies that the default stream's STAGING script with the specified mod-name specification be deleted.


Specifies that the default stream's UNRESERVE script with the specified mod-name specification be deleted.



%VDE-I-SCRPDEL, script deleted from the database
 script to compile module [CODE]*.C (segment 10)
%VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed

This example deletes the script to compile all C modules in facility CODE. The log messages identify the script and show that it was successfully deleted. The script is only deleted for the default development stream.


Deletes build-step dependency information from the VDE database. This information specifies the input and output modules of a given compile, copy, or link step.

Requires CRESTEP privilege.


DELETE STEP mod-name [, mod-name...]



The name of the module that is compiled, copied, or linked by the build step to be deleted from the database. This name consists of an optional facility name enclosed in square brackets, a module name, and an optional type name preceded by a period (for example, [FACNAM]MOD1.PAS). If no facility name is specified, the current default facility is assumed. If no type name is specified, all build steps for modules with the given facility name and module name are deleted.

You can delete more than one build step at a time by using wildcard characters in any of the three components of the module name. The percent sign (%) in a name matches any single character in the position it occupies and the asterisk (*) matches zero or more characters in the position it occupies. Those build steps whose module names match the wildcard pattern are deleted.


The DELETE STEP command deletes all dependency information for a given build step so that the database no longer records the input and output modules for the step. The modules themselves remain in the database; only their relationships to the build step are lost.

The command deletes build-step dependency information from only the default development stream. To delete build steps in more than one stream, you must repeat the DELETE STEP command for each stream. For each stream, first enter the SET STREAM command to set the development stream, then enter the DELETE STEP command to delete the desired build-step dependencies from the database.


/COMPILE (default)



Specifies the kind of build step to be deleted. /COMPILE deletes the compile step, /COPY deletes the copy step, and /LINK deletes the link step for the specified module.

Of /COMPILE, /COPY and /LINK, /COMPILE is the default.

/CONFIRM (default)


Controls whether VDE asks you to confirm that you want the build-step definition deleted. The /CONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to print a message for each build step asking whether you want that step deleted. If you answer YES (or Y), the build-step definition is deleted. If you answer NO (or N), the build-step definition is not deleted. The /NOCONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to delete all specified build-step definitions without asking for confirmation.

/LOG (default)


Controls whether log messages are printed when build-step definitions are deleted from the database. The /LOG qualifier causes the messages to be printed and the /NOLOG qualifier suppresses them. The messages indicate that each build step has been deleted and that the database transaction has committed successfully.



%VDE-I-COMSTEPDEL, compile step for module [RMS]FOO.MAR deleted from database
%VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed

This example deletes all build dependency information for the compilation of module FOO.MAR in facility RMS.


%VDE-I-LNKSTEPDEL, link step for module [CODE]FOO.EXE deleted from database
%VDE-I-LNKSTEPDEL, link step for module [CODE]MOD1.EXE deleted from database
%VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed

This command deletes the dependency information for the link steps for modules FOO.EXE and MOD1.EXE in the current default facility, facility CODE.

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