July 1991

The Facility Batch utility (FACBATCH) is used to submit a batch job for each CMS library that meets the selection criteria.

Software Version: FACBATCH Version X0.1


Activates the FACBATCH utility. The FACBATCH utility is run from DCL. Submits a batch job against each CMS library that meets the selection criteria.


FACBATCH library-spec command-file

Command Qualifiers Defaults
/AFTER None.
/HOLD None.
/P4 None.
/P5 None.
/P6 None.
/P7 None.
/P8 None.
/QUEUE /QUEUE=sys$batch


LIB_SPEC: library-spec
COMMAND_FILE: command-file


The FACBATCH utility is used to submit a job to a batch queue for each CMS library that meets the selection criteria. The job submitted for each library will consist of a user written procedure that will have specific information passed to it. The information will be passed to the user written procedure via the P1-P8 parameters.



Specifies the CMS library that is to be acted on. This specification can contain wildcards, but it must be a valid CMS library directory specification (i.e. VMS$:[YELLOW_TEST.CMS]). An example of a wildcarded specification would be: VMS$:[Y*.CMS]. This specification would process all libraries that start with the letter "Y".


Specifies the name of the user written command procedure that is to be submitted for each library that meets the selection criteria.

Command Qualifiers


Requests that the job be held until after a specific time. If the specified time has already been passed, the job is processed immediately.Time can be specified as either an absolute time or as a combination of absolute and delta times. See the VMS DCL CONCEPTS MANUAL for complete information on specifying time values.


Controls whether or not the job is made available for immediate processing. The /HOLD qualifier holds the job until it is released by the /NOHOLD qualifier or by the /RELEASE qualifier of the SET QUEUE/ENTRY command.


Specifies that the user wants to see messages from the utility pertaining to the libraries being processed or skipped.


Specifies where the log files are to be put. The default is to put all the log files in SYS$LOGIN.


This qualifier is much like the /PREFIX_JOBNAME qualifer, except that the character string entered for this qualifier is appended to the job name.


Specifies the ascii character string that is to be place at the beginning of the job name. By default the job name will be the name of the CMS facility that is being process. In the case of VMS$:[YELLOW_TEST.CMS], the job name would be "YELLOW_TEST". If a prefix of "ABC_" is entered, then the job name would be "ABC_YELLOW_TEST".


The PROCESS qualifier is used to define the selection criteria for the libraries that are to be processed. Some libraries have special attributes associated with them, VMSCMS$NO_PROPAGATE.FLAG is an example of an attribute. This attribute indicates that this library is not to have any code propagation performed within it. The process qualifier is used to selectively process or skip libraries marked with certain attributes. The list of acceptable attributes is:

/P4=text ··· /P8=text

All the /Pn qualifiers accept alphanumeric strings. These strings can be quoted strings containing spaces, or simpe one word strings. The data accepted for each parameter qualifier is passed directly to the procedure submitted. If a user enters /P4=TEST on the command line, then the user would be able to do a "SHOW SYMBOL P4" command within the procedure submitted and see the string "TEST".


Identifies the batch queue on which the job is entered. The default queue is SYS$BATCH.
