MOTIF OCTAHEDRON ============== Yet Another Widget on X-Motif, V3.4 It has been tested on the following platforms: HP 300 HP-UX 8.0x X11R4 Motif1.1 Sun4, SPARC SunOS 4.1.x X11R4 Motif1.2 For Solaris you may have to add to link: -L/usr/ucblib -lucb -lelf -R/usr/ucblib If yours is not in this list, please let me know -- thanks. The most updated source could be found on under /contrib. HOW TO BUILD? It should be easy. xmkmf make Note: if you don't have 'xmkmf' or the "Makefile" it generates doesn't work well, try: make -f Makefile.std ANYTHING SPECIAL IN USING? Click on the left mouse button to move CCW. Click on the middle mouse button toggle the practice mode. (This is good for learning moves). Also 'P' or 'p' does the same thing. Click on the right mouse button if you want to randomize the octahedron. Also 'R' or 'r' does the same thing. 'Q', 'q', Control-C to kill program. NOTE If you have the program up but it does not seem to work: Try copying the file Oct to $(HOME)/Oct (where Oct is the file name) and running xmoct again. "keyboardFocusPolicy" must be set to "pointer". Also if the background is white the yellow is hard to see. In the graphics window there are 2 boxes, each box is a view of the octahedron. There are 4 faces of the octahedron in each box. Clicking on the mouse icons is ignored. They are just there to tell you how to use the octahedron. One has to orient the faces in orient mode, besides getting all the faces to be the same color. I do not think that adds any complexity on the octahedron. Try resizing the octahedron. Notice the puzzle resizes to take advantage of the "room" available. Key pad is defined as: 7 8 9 ^ 4 < 5 > 6 v 1 2 3 The key pad along with the use of the mouse will allow you to move the oct more than just CCW ie., KP_7=>TL KP_8=>TOP KP_9=>TR KP_4=>LEFT KP_5=>CW KP_6=>RIGHT KP_1=>BL KP_2=>BOTTOM KP_3=>BR The shift keys will allow one to access "Period 4" turns from "Both" mode, otherwise it assumes "Period 3" turning. "Restricted" and "Period 3" turning allows only the faces to turn, it is as if the middle cut of the three cuts did not exist. "Restricted" and "Period 4" turning allows only the centers to turn, it is as if the middle cut of the three cuts did not exist. Beware, the "Restricted" mode is a hack and much could be done to improve its look. If you were looking for a self-solver, sorry. If you know of one let me know. One of the problems in self-solvers the generally don't work for different number of cuts. Personally I have solved 0-1 in the "Period 3" mode, 0-2 in the "Period 4" mode, 0 in the "Both" mode, and "Restricted" has not been done for any modes. Keep in mind that the Oct is a widget that can be simply stuck in other Motif programs. (If you find a use for this, let me know). Refer to the man page for detailed command line options. FOUND A BUG? Send bugs (or their reports, or fixes) to the author (please give version, file, and line number): David Albert Bagley, HISTORY [Sep 16, 93] V3.4: Counter reset to "0" on a mode change [Sep 09, 93] V3.3: Fixed up the restricted mode (although, its still cryptic). Records now have a more concise format. [Sep 03, 93] V3.2: Fixed a bug and added some comments. [Sep 01, 93] V3.1: Finally polished the octahedron. Added Imakefile, README, I got some good ideas on presentation from Qiang Zhao's tetris. [Apr 01, 93] V3.0: I got some good ideas from Douglas A. Young's book: "The X Window System Programming and Applications with Xt OSF/Motif Edition", particularly his dial widget. [Feb 01, 92] V2.0: XView version. Sun drops another quality product. So sad, so sad. [Jun 10, 91] V1.0: SunView version.