DFU V2.4

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Directory MYDISK:[RUBBISH]  
$ DFU  
%DFU-S-DELETED, File DBGINI.COM;3 deleted  
%DFU-S-DELETED, File ICON.COM;1 deleted  
%DFU-S-DELETED, File I_FOOL.COM;1 deleted  
%DFU-S-DELETED, File LOGICALS.COM;51 deleted  
%DFU-S-DELETED, File LOGIN.COM;79 deleted  
%DFU-S-DELETED, File LOGOUT.COM;4 deleted  
%DFU-S-DELETED, File SHOWCL.COM;3 deleted  
%DFU-S-DELETED, File SYMBOLS.COM;89 deleted  
%DFU-S-TOTAL, 11 file(s) deleted  
%DFU-S-DELETED, File EXAMPLE.DIR;1 deleted  


Specify a complete file-id (num,seq,rvn) of the file which must be deleted. This qualifier allows the deletion of lost files or files marked for delete. Example :

$ DFU  
%DFU-S-CHKHOME, Home block info verified OK  
%DFU-E-INVBAKFID, file (86,17915,1) 0004CF04$BFS.;1 has invalid backlink  
%DFU-W-DELETED, file (537,2878,1) APPL_UTRYIT_BOOK.TMP;1 marked for delete  
DFU> DELETE MYDISK/FILE=(86,17915,1)  
%DFU-S-DELETED, File 0004CF04$BFS.;1 deleted  
DFU> DELETE MYDISK/FILE=(537,2878,1)  


Preserve the directory tree; only delete the contents. /KEEP is only valid with the /DIRECTORY qualifier. /KEEP works for DELETE/DIR and DELETE/DIR/TREE.


Do not log succesfull deletes to SYS$OUTPUT. /LOG is the default.


Can only be used with /FILE. Default DELETE/FILE will try to remove the file from the parent directory. If the file's backlink no longer points to a valid directory this will generate an error. The /NOREMOVE qualifier overrules this behaviour allowing such files to be deleted.


This qualifier displays the performance statistics: CPU time, Elapsed Time, I/O and PageFaults.


Can only be used with /DIRECTORY. The delete command will delete all subdirectories within the directory file specified. DFU will first sort out the subdirectory tree and than delete the files in the proper order. Thus a complete directory tree is deleted with one command.

Chapter 7

This chapter describes the DIRECTORY command with the related parameters and qualifiers.

7.1 Introduction

The DIRECTORY command offers 6 major functions. 3 functions deal with all directories on a disk, the other 3 functions are used for manipulating individual directories. These functions are activated by special qualifiers:

The disks free space distribution as a bar graph. On the horizontal axis the Logical Block Number (LBN) is shown, running from 0 to the maximum block number. Each * represents a certain number of contiguous free blocks.

If you use the /USAGE qualifier a usage table will be added. Per Identifier / UIC the blocks used/allocated , and the number of file headers are shown. If Diskquota is enabled a third column will be included which shows the blocks used/permitted allowing to QUOTA.SYS. Normally quota should satisfy the following rule :

 Quota used = blocks allocated + # of file headers  


Create a file and free space report of a disk device.


REPORT device[:]



Device to be reported. You may also specify a logical devicename.



This qualifier redirects the output to be appended to an already existing file. If the output file does not exists it will be created. You can use /APPEND or /OUTPUT but not both.


This qualifier generates a graph table which visualizes the free space distribution on the disk. /NOGRAPH is the default.


The /NOBITMAP qualifier suppresses the "Free space statistics" output.


The /NOFILE qualifier suppressed the "File Statistics" output.


The /NOVOLUME qualifier suppresses the "Volume info" output.


This qualifier redirects the output to a file. The output will also go to SYS$OUTPUT.


This qualifier displays the performance statistics: CPU time, Elapsed Time, I/O and PageFaults.

/USAGE(=uic or identifier)

The /USAGE qualifier will generate a diskspace usage report based on Identifiers/UIC. If diskquota is enabled on the disk the blocks used/permitted allowing to QUOTA.SYS will also be shown. /USAGE is very usefull when diskquota is not enabled on the disk. When a uic or identifier is specified only the information for this uic or identifier will be displayed.

Chapter 9

This chapter describes the SEARCH command with the related parameters and qualifiers.

9.1 Introduction

The search function allows very quick disk-wide searches for specific files. You can use almost any possible file attribute as a search qualifier.

9.2 Syntax and Output

The command syntax for SEARCH is:

DFU> SEARCH device/qualifiers  

The output is displayed on your terminal. You can also sort the output with the /SORT qualifier. The output is shown in 2 or 3 columns eg:

$1$DUA102:[USER.COMMAND]X.X;1             1/3               1/1  

The first column shows the full file name . As of this version of DFU the device name is included in the file name. The second columns shows the file size as actual/allocated size. The 3rd column is optional and will only be shown when the /FRAGMENT qualifier is used. It shows the number of fileheaders / number of file fragments.

9.3 Volume Set processing

SEARCH checks if the device to-be-searched is member of a volume set. If so, the complete volume set will be processed, starting with Relative Volume Number 1 up to the last member in set. You can override this behaviour with the /NOVOLSET qualifier.

9.4 Output formatting

A new qualifier /FORMAT can be used with SEARCH. This allows the build up of a command procedure directly from the output generated by the SEARCH command. /FORMAT has the following restrictions :

  1. /FORMAT is only valid with the /OUTPUT qualifier, and can not be used together with the /FULL or the /SORT qualifiers.
  2. The format string used must contain the !AS directive (in uppercase). The file found will be substituted at the !AS location



9.5 UIC and identifier processing

This version introduces an improved handling of UIC's. Previous versions of DFU only accepted a numeric UIC in the /OWNER qaulifier or an identifier in the /IDENT qualifier. V2.4 now accepts all valid uic and identifier formats (numeric and alphanumeric) in the /OWNER and /IDENT qualifiers. Technically there is no longer any difference between these two qualifiers, but they will be left in for compatibility reasons.


Fast file search through INDEXF.SYS.


SEARCH device[:]



Device to be searched. You may also specify a logical devicename.


The SEARCH command is used for quick disk-wide searches for specific files. The qualifiers describe the file attributes used as the search criteria. You can combine almost all of the possible qualifiers, unless otherwise specified. Eg.:


is a valid command. Note that qualifiers will be used in a logical AND manner, that is, SEARCH will only display files which obey to all qualifiers and options specified.



Default, SEARCH will use the actual file size. The /ALLOCATED qualifier forces SEARCH to use the allocated filesize. This qualifier is only meaningfull if you combine it with /SIZE.


This qualifier redirects the output to be appended to an already existing file. If the output file does not exists it will be created. You can use /APPEND or /OUTPUT but not both.


The /BACKUP qualifier is used to search files depending on their backup date. The possible options are :

The NONE option gives files which don't have a backup date recorded.The other 2 options can be used to get files which have a backup date before or after a specific date. The BEFORE and SINCE option can be combined in one command.


You can use this qualifier to look for a file with a specific backlink. Only the first part of the file id must be specified, that is, if the file id is (x,y,z) you must specify 'x' as the file id. You can use this qualifier to get files from a specific directory. If you use /BAKFID=0 you will get files not belonging to a directory (often temporary files).


This qualifier is used to get files with specific file characteristics.The characteristics can have the following values:

The several characteristics can be combined in one command.If you want a logical OR behaviour in stead of the default AND behaviour, you can use the special option MATCH=OR eg:



The /CREATED qualifier is used to search files depending on their creation date. The options are :

These 2 options can be used to get files which have a creation date before or after a specific date. The BEFORE and SINCE option can be combined in one command.


This qualifier is used to exclude files from the search. You can use wildcard filenames ; you can also specifiy a list of files.


The /EXPIRED qualifier is used to search files depending on their expiration date. The options are :

The NONE option gives files which don't have a expiration date recorded.The other 2 options can be used to get files which have a expiration date before or after a specific date. The BEFORE and SINCE option can be combined in one command.


The /FID qualifier is a special function of SEARCH. It directs SEARCH to go directly to the specified file without processing the rest of the Index file. Therefore, you cannot combine this qualifierwith other search qualifiers such as /FILE. Normally a file-id consists is in the form (x,y,z) where x is the number of the file header within INDEXF.SYS y is the sequence number, and z is the Relative Volume Number. You only need to specifiy the x value in the /FID qualifier.


This qualifier is used to search for files with a specific file name.You can use wildcard file names; also you can specify a list of files.


Create an output file in a format described by the format string. The string must contain the !AS directive (this must be uppercase). At the !AS location the resultant filename will be filled in. The /OUTPUT qualifier is required.


This qualifier displays the number of fragments and file headers of each file found. You can further limit the files found by using the MINIMUM and MAXIMUM= options. For example:

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