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source_reflist - objects.h


2 callers
     + rpt_source_html_hdr - rpthtml.c                  Goto
     + rpt_source_sdml_hdr - rptsdml.c                  Goto

Call Tree: No calls

source_rlength - objects.h


4 callers
     + analyze_file - ranalyzer.c                       Goto
     + rpt_file_html_entry - rpthtml.c                  Goto
     + rpt_file_sdml_entry - rptsdml.c                  Goto
     + source_avglen - objects.h                        Goto

Call Tree: No calls

source_routines - objects.h


14 callers
     + analyze_file - ranalyzer.c                       Goto
     + assign_byfilefiles - rpthtml.c                   Goto
     + list_file_end - listfile.c                       Goto
     + next_defining_file - reports.c                   Goto
     + prev_defining_file - reports.c                   Goto
     + rpt_byfile_html_end - rpthtml.c                  Goto
     + rpt_byfile_sdml_end - rptsdml.c                  Goto
     + rpt_file_html_entry - rpthtml.c                  Goto
     + rpt_file_sdml_entry - rptsdml.c                  Goto
     + rpt_source_html_end - rpthtml.c                  Goto
     + rpt_source_html_hdr - rpthtml.c                  Goto
     + rpt_source_sdml_end - rptsdml.c                  Goto
     + rpt_source_sdml_hdr - rptsdml.c                  Goto
     + source_avglen - objects.h                        Goto

Call Tree: No calls

source_seq - objects.h


6 callers
     + report_source - reports.c                        Goto
     + rpt_source_html_end - rpthtml.c                  Goto
     + rpt_source_html_hdr - rpthtml.c                  Goto
     + rpt_source_sdml_hdr - rptsdml.c                  Goto
     + sourcefile_link_prefix - rpthtml.c               Goto
     + source_link_prefix - rpthtml.c                   Goto

Call Tree: No calls

source_statements - objects.h


3 callers
     + analyze_file - ranalyzer.c                       Goto
     + rpt_file_html_entry - rpthtml.c                  Goto
     + rpt_file_sdml_entry - rptsdml.c                  Goto

Call Tree: No calls

source_tabsize - objects.h


1 caller
     + report_source - reports.c                        Goto

Call Tree: No calls

sprintf - External


14 callers
     + byfile_link_prefix - rpthtml.c                   Goto
     + calls_link_prefix - rpthtml.c                    Goto
     + def_ident - objects.c                            Goto
     + link_url - rpthtml.c                             Goto
     + report_source - reports.c                        Goto
     + report_tree - reports.c                          Goto
     + rpt_byfile_html_entry - rpthtml.c                Goto
     + rpt_html_continue - rpthtml.c                    Goto
     + rpt_html_subsection_hdr - rpthtml.c              Goto
     + sourcefile_link_prefix - rpthtml.c               Goto
     + source_link - rpthtml.c                          Goto
     + source_link_prefix - rpthtml.c                   Goto
     + xref_link - rpthtml.c                            Goto
     + xref_link_prefix - rpthtml.c                     Goto

sscanf - External


1 caller
     + analyze_product - ranalyzer.c                    Goto

strcat - External


1 caller
     + make_filename - ranalyzer.h                      Goto

strcmp - External


7 callers
     + compare_caller_name - objects.c                  Goto
     + compare_file - objects.c                         Goto
     + find_ref_in_tree - objects.c                     Goto
     + get_token - cparser.c                            Goto
     + iskeyword - cparser.c                            Goto
     + needs_tree - reports.c                           Goto
     + separate_tree - reports.c                        Goto

strcpy - External


11 callers
     + cmdopt_separate - ranalyzer.c                    Goto
     + c_parser - cparser.c                             Goto
     + fold_string - reports.c                          Goto
     + make_filename - ranalyzer.h                      Goto
     + new_str - objalloc.c                             Goto
     + rpt_defined_html_entry - rpthtml.c               Goto
     + rpt_html_subsection_hdr - rpthtml.c              Goto
     + rpt_undefined_html_entry - rpthtml.c             Goto
     + rpt_xref_html_entry - rpthtml.c                  Goto
     + rpt_xref_sdml_entry - rptsdml.c                  Goto
     + xref_link_prefix - rpthtml.c                     Goto

strlen - External


16 callers
     + analyze_product - ranalyzer.c                    Goto
     + cmdopt_language - ranalyzer.c                    Goto
     + cmdopt_separate - ranalyzer.c                    Goto
     + compare_def - objects.c                          Goto
     + fold_string - reports.c                          Goto
     + free_str - objalloc.c                            Goto
     + get_parser - ranalyzer.c                         Goto
     + get_token - bliparse.c                           Goto
     + iskeyword - bliparse.c                           Goto
     + new_str - objalloc.c                             Goto
     + rpt_byfile_html_entry - rpthtml.c                Goto
     + rpt_defined_html_entry - rpthtml.c               Goto
     + rpt_file_html_entry - rpthtml.c                  Goto
     + rpt_undefined_html_entry - rpthtml.c             Goto
     + rpt_xref_html_entry - rpthtml.c                  Goto
     + rpt_xref_sdml_entry - rptsdml.c                  Goto

strncpy - External


1 caller
     + fold_string - reports.c                          Goto

total_avglen - globdb.h


5 callers
     + list_analysis_complete - listfile.c              Goto
     + rpt_defined_sdml_end - rptsdml.c                 Goto
     + rpt_defined_text_end - rpttext.c                 Goto
     + rpt_file_html_end - rpthtml.c                    Goto
     + rpt_file_sdml_end - rptsdml.c                    Goto

Call Tree

|   total_routines Goto
+   total_rlength Goto

total_calls - globdb.h


3 callers
     + list_analysis_complete - listfile.c              Goto
     + rpt_file_html_end - rpthtml.c                    Goto
     + rpt_file_sdml_end - rptsdml.c                    Goto

Call Tree: No calls

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