The following are the OpenSSL encoding and cipher commands. These commands use the following abbreviations:
CBC - Cipher Block Chaining
CFB - Cipher Feedback
ECB - Electronic Cookbook
OFB - Output Feedback
EDE - Encrypt-Decrypt-Encrypt
Base64 Encoding
Blowfish in CBC mode
Alias for bf-cbc
Blowfish in CFB mode
Blowfish in ECB mode
Blowfish in OFB mode
CAST Cipher in CBC mode
CAST5 Cipher in CBC mode
Alias for cast-cbc
CAST5 in CFB mode
CAST5 in ECB mode
CAST5 in OFB mode
DES Cipher in CBC mode
Alias for des-cbc
DES in CFB mode
DES in OFB mode
DES in ECB mode
Two key triple DES EDE in CBC mode
Alias for des-ede
Two key triple DES EDE in CFB mode
Two key triple DES EDE in OFB mode
Three key triple DES EDE in CBC mode
Alias for des-ede3-cbc
Three key triple DES EDE CFB mode
Three key triple DES EDE in OFB mode
DESX algorithm
128-bit RC2 Cipher in CBC mode
Alias for rc2-cbc
128-bit RC2 in CFB mode
128-bit RC2 in ECB mode
128-bit RC2 in OFB mode
64-bit RC2 in CBC mode
40-bit RC2 in CBC mode
128-bit RC4 Cipher
40-bit RC4