CSSM_CL_CrlGetFirstFieldValue — Get the value of the first CRL field (CDSA)
# include <cssm.h>
API: CSSM_RETURN CSSMAPI CSSM_CL_CrlGetFirstFieldValue (CSSM_CL_HANDLE CLHandle, const CSSM_DATA *Crl, const CSSM_OID *CrlField, CSSM_HANDLE_PTR ResultsHandle, uint32 *NumberOfMatchedFields, CSSM_DATA_PTR *Value) SPI: CSSM_RETURN CSSMCLI CL_CrlGetFirstFieldValue (CSSM_CL_HANDLE CLHandle, const CSSM_DATA *Crl, const CSSM_OID *CrlField, CSSM_HANDLE_PTR ResultsHandle, uint32 *NumberOfMatchedFields, CSSM_DATA_PTR *Value)
Common Security Services Manager library (cdsa$incssm300_shr.exe)
CLHandle (input) | | The handle that describes the add-in Certificate
Library module used to perform this function. |
Crl (input) | | A pointer to the CSSM_DATA structure that contains
the CRL from which the field is to be retrieved. |
CrlField (input) | | An object identifier that identifies the field value
to be extracted from the CRL. |
ResultsHandle (output) |
| | A pointer to the CSSM_HANDLE that should be used
to obtain any additional matching fields. |
NumberOfMatchedFields (output) |
| | The total number of fields that match the CrlField OID.
This count includes the first match, which was returned by this
function. |
Value (output) | | A pointer to the structure containing the value
of the requested field. The structure and the field at I
"(*Value)->Data" are allocated by the service
provider. The CSSM_CL_FreeFieldValue() (CSSM API), or CL_FreeFieldValue() (CL SPI), function can be used to deallocate *Value and (*Value)->Data. |
This function returns the value of the CRL field designated
by the CSSM_OID CrlField. The OID also identifies
the data format for the field value returned to the caller. If multiple
OIDs name the same CRL field, then each OID defines a distinct data
format for the returned field value. The function CSSM_CL_CrlDescribeFormat() (CSSM API), or CL_CrlDescribeFormat() (CL SPI), provides a list of all CSSM_OID values supported
by a Certificate Library module for naming fields of a CRL.
If more than one field matches the CrlField OID,
the first matching field will be returned. The number of matching
fields is an output parameter, as is the ResultsHandle to
be used to retrieve the remaining matching fields.
The set of matching fields is determined by this function.
The number of matching fields and the field values do not change
between this function and subsequent calls to CSSM_CL_CrlGetNextFieldValue() (CSSM API), or CL_CrlGetNextFieldValue() (CL SPI).
A CSSM_RETURN value indicating success or specifying a particular
error condition. The value CSSM_OK indicates success. All other
values represent an error condition.
Errors are described in the CDSA Technical Standard.
Intel CDSA Application Developer's Guide
Online Help
Functions for the CSSM API:
CSSM_CL_CrlGetNextFieldValue, CSSM_CL_CrlAbortQuery, CSSM_CL_CrlGetAllFields
Functions for the CLI SPI:
CL_CrlGetNextFieldValue, CL_CrlAbortQuery, CL_CrlGetAllFields