Client Configuration File

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The following is an example of a typical SSH client configuration file:

# end of metaconfig
# (do not change above lines!)

# File name:      SSH2_CONFIG.
# Product:        HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS
# Version:        T5.6-3D
#  Copyright 1976, 2005 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.

# ssh 3.2 client configuration information
# Note: ".*" is used for all hosts, but you can use other hosts as well

# HP Tru64 UNIX specific
# Secure the r* utilities (no, yes)
#   EnforceSecureRutils			no

## General
    AuthenticationSuccessMsg		yes
#   BatchMode				no
#   Compression				no
#   DontReadStdin			no
#   EscapeChar				~
#   ForcePTTYAllocation			no
#   GoBackground			no
#   PasswordPrompt			"%U@%H's password: "
    PasswordPrompt			"%U's password: "
#   QuietMode				no
#   SetRemoteEnv			foobar=baz
    VerboseMode				no

## Network

    Port				22
    NoDelay				no
    KeepAlive				yes
#   SocksServer				socks://,
#   UseSocks5				no

## Crypto
    Ciphers				AnyStdCipher 
    MACs				AnyStdMAC
#   RekeyIntervalSeconds		3600
    StrictHostKeyChecking		no	

## User public key authentication

    IdentityFile			identification
    RandomSeedFile			random_seed

## Tunneling

#   ForwardAgent			yes
#   ForwardX11				yes
#   GatewayPorts			no
#   TrustX11Applications		no
#   XauthPath				<set by configure by default>

# Tunnels that are set up upon login

#   LocalForward			""
#   LocalForward			""
#   LocalForward			""
#   RemoteForward			"3000:localhost:22"

## SSH1 compatibility

#   Ssh1InternalEmulation		yes
    Ssh1Compatibility			no
    Ssh1AgentCompatibility		none
#   Ssh1AgentCompatibility		traditional
#   Ssh1AgentCompatibility		ssh2
#   Ssh1MaskPasswordLength		yes
#   Ssh1Path				/usr/local/bin/ssh1

## Authentication 
## hostbased, publickey, and password are allowed by default
## (least interactive method should be usually attempted first)

#   AllowedAuthentications		publickey, keyboard-interactive, password
    AllowedAuthentications		hostbased, publickey, password

## Authentication, OpenVMS-specific

#   NumberOfHostkeyCopyPrompts          3
#   NumberOfPasswordVerificationPrompts 3
#   PubkeyPassphraseGuesses             3

# For ssh-signer2 (only effective if set in the global configuration file,
# usually TCPIP$SSH_DEVICE:[TCPIP$SSH.SSH2]SSH2_CONFIG., i.e., this file)

#   DefaultDomain
    SshSignerPath			/sys$system/tcpip$ssh_ssh-signer2

## Examples of per host configurations

#   Host
#   User				username_at_alpha
#   PasswordPrompt			"%U:s password at %H: "
#   Ciphers				aes

#   Host
#   User				foo_user