Description |
This routine converts a single-string representation name
of the principal name to the multi-part principal format used in
the protocols.
A single-string representation of a Kerberos name consists
of one or more principal name components, separated by slashes,
optionally followed by the @ character and a realm name. If the
realm name is not specified, the local realm is used.
The slash and @ characters can be quoted (included as part
of a component rather than as a component separator or realm prefix)
by preceding them with a backslash (\) character. Similarly,
newline, tab, backspace, and NULL characters can be included in
a component by using \n, \t,\b or \0,
The realm in a Kerberos name cannot contain the slash, colon,
or NULL characters.
The *principal argument points to
allocated storage that should be freed by the caller (using krb5_free_principal)
after use.