The first time a version of the codeword-based B9073BA Instant
Capacity software (B.06.00 or later) is loaded onto a system where
the old B9073AA software (version B.03.x through
B.05.x) has been in use, the new software requires the system to
go through an upgrade process.
This process involves transferring Instant Capacity inventory information
from HP to the system through the application of an upgrade codeword.
This allows the system (using the B9073BA software) to
keep track of the number of components without usage rights.
Prior to December 2003, the Instant Capacity software product (B9073AA)
was loaded from Support Plus media and was not present on the 11i
v1 and 11i v2 Operating Environment (OE) media. In December 2003,
an updated version of the Instant Capacity software product (B9073BA)
was placed on the 11i v1 and 11i v2 OE media.
The Instant Capacity versions B.06.x, B.07.x, or B.08.x software (B9073BA)
is automatically installed when the HP-UX 11i v1 or 11i v2 OE is
installed. When a newer version of the HP-UX 11i v1 or 11i v2 OE
is installed in a partition, the Instant Capacity software in the
OE is automatically updated in that partition.
After the Instant Capacity software is updated in one partition
from an older B9073AA version (B.03.x through
B.05.x) to the newer B9073BA version (B.06.00
or later), the Instant Capacity software in all of the system’s
other partitions needs to be updated before the new software is completely
operational. Until that time, the new software does not have visibility
of the status of partitions running the old software. As a result, it
is likely that exception e-mail will be generated daily from the
new software until all updates are completed.
After the installation of new Instant Capacity B9073BA software
on the first partition, perform the following steps.
 |  |
 | NOTE: The following HP-UX procedures use the obsolete commands,
such as icod_stat and icod_modify, because these commands are common to all versions of
Instant Capacity (B.06.x, B.07.x and B.08.x). On version B.08.x,
these commands could be icapstatus or icapmodify, which have identical results. |
 |  |
Execute the following command and record the output:
/usr/sbin/icod_stat -s
You can copy and paste the output of the icod_stat -s command and save it in a text file. You need this information later in Step 4.
Go to the HP Utility Pricing
Solutions web portal:
Log into the portal and click on the link to get codewords.
Click on the Upgrade Codeword link to get an upgrade codeword.
Supply the requested information
from the icod_stat -s command output gathered in Step 1 and get the upgrade codeword from the portal. You need
the codeword in the next step.
Apply the upgrade codeword, generated by the Utility Pricing Solutions portal, to the system by executing:
/usr/sbin/icod_modify -C codeword
Where codeword is the upgrade codeword that was supplied by the portal in Step 4. This is easily accomplished by copying and pasting the codeword (that is generated by the portal) to the system where you are executing the icod_modify -C codeword command. The upgrade codeword needs to be applied only once on the entire system.
Install/upgrade all other partitions
with the Instant Capacity B9073BA software (version
B.06.00 or later). This software is on the 11i v1 and 11i v2 OE
media, starting with the December 2003 media, and is automatically
installed when either the 11i v1 or 11i v2 OE is installed. The
software is also available from the HP web site: (search
for “B9073BA”). If you do not complete this step, in
the absence of other information, the Instant Capacity software
assumes that all partitions that have not been upgraded are fully
active. If all partitions in a system are not upgraded, the Instant
Capacity software may determine the system to be in an exception
Execute the following command:
Inspect the icod_stat command output for the line that indicates the Exception status (near the top of the output). If it displays “No exception”, your system is in compliance. Inspect the remainder of the output to see the distribution of your active and inactive cores in the system and modify it using /usr/sbin/icod_modify if you want to make changes.
If the Exception status in
Step 7 indicates that there are more cores, cells, or memory
active than expected, you need to deactivate the appropriate number
of each component in order to bring the system into compliance with
the Instant Capacity contract.
From the output in Step 7, verify that the correct system-contact information is specified. If necessary, update the contact information by executing:
/usr/sbin/icod_modify -c contact_e-mail_address
Ensure you have installed all
of the required HP-UX patches on each partition. See “Required
Patches for HP-UX 11i v1” for details. If necessary,
obtain missing patches from the web site:
Detailed instructions on installing each patch are available on
this web site.
If e-mail connectivity is required (when upgrading to B.06.x), or if asset reporting is being used with B.07.x or later versions: Execute the following command:
/usr/sbin/icod_notify reply_address
This command verifies that your sendmail configuration is capable of sending e-mail messages to the domain. The icod_notify command needs to be executed with an e-mail address as an argument. The e-mail address is the address HP uses when responding to the e-mail sent from the Instant Capacity system and is the e-mail address to which the HP acknowledgement message is sent.
Using elm, or any e-mail reader, verify receipt of the acknowledgement e-mail
from HP. The message should be received within one hour.