HP Pay per use (PPU) User's Guide for versions 8.x > Chapter 3 Installing
and Configuring PPU Software
Installing PPU Software
If you currently have PPU software installed that is older
than version B.05.00 (for example, version B.04.01), contact your
HP sales representative to find out how to update to PPU 8.x software. Find
the Latest Patches (HP-UX) |  |
This document lists the patches required to install and run
PPU 8.x software known at the time of publication. To find the most
current patches, go to the HP Software Depot at http://www.hp.com/go/softwaredepot and perform the following steps: Enter the PPU software
product T2351AA into the search text box then click the search button. Click the Pay per use Agent Software link that appears as a result of your search. Click the installation link, near the bottom of the page.
The required patches for PPU 8.x are listed. You can then
retrieve the necessary patches from the HP web site: http://itrc.hp.com Installing
from the
HP-UX Media (HP-UX) |  |
Follow this procedure to install the PPU 8.x software on your
HP-UX 11i v1 or 11i v2 system from either the Operating Environment
or Applications Software media: Log in as root. Determine the drive device file by entering the following command: ioscan -fnC disk Insert the Operating Environment
or Applications Software media into the drive. Mount the drive to the desired directory. The following example uses the /dev/dsk/c1t2d0 device file (from Step 2) and the /cdrom directory. To mount the drive, enter a similar command as: mount -r /dev/dsk/c1t2d0 /cdrom Install the PPU 8.x bundle T2351AA from the media: swinstall -s /cdrom T2351AA Continue with “Configuring
PPU Software ”.
from the HP Software Depot (HP-UX) |  |
Click the Pay per use Agent Software link that appears as a result of your search Read the “overview” page,
then click the installation link (at the bottom of the page). Read the “installation” page,
then click the receive for free button. Fill in the registration information,
click the appropriate operating system link, and then click the
Next button. Click the appropriate link, under the “download software” table title,
and download the depot file to the following directory: /var/tmp You can rename the download but the filename is a name similar
to these: /var/tmp/T2351AA_B. /var/tmp/T2351AA_B. On the PPU system, log in as
root. Install the appropriate PPU bundle (11i v2 example): swinstall -s \ /var/tmp/T2351AA_B.08.00_HP-UX_B.11.23.IA+PA.depot ’*’ You can also use the interactive swinstall to
install the depot file by setting the target to /var/tmp/<package_name>. The PPU 8.x software is a low-overhead and non-intrusive
software module. The file-system size increases by approximately
5MB and a reboot is not required. Continue with “Configuring
PPU Software ”.
on Windows
Server 2003 Systems |  |
Before installing the PPU software, ensure that all drivers,
utilities, and security updates for your system available on the
Smart Setup and Smart Update media have been installed. In particular,
the Smart Components containing the prerequisite products HP WMI nParProvider,
HP WMI Mapper, and HP Baseboard Management Controller Driver (the
Driver is automatically installed by the Support Pack) should already
have been installed.  |  |  |  |  | NOTE: Do not install the PPU software on a remote management
station. You must install this software on a hard partition of the
HP Integrity server running the Windows Server 2003 (Enterprise
or Datacenter Edition) 64-bit operating system. |  |  |  |  |
To install the PPU software on each hard partition running
Windows Server 2003: Log
onto the first Windows partition of the target server as Administrator
(use the administrative logon and password, or use an account with
Administrator privileges). Browse the Smart Setup CD or
the http://www.hp.com/support/itaniumservers website for your appropriate
server type and then navigate to the Pay per use (PPU) package.
The title of the Smart Component is hp CPU PayPerUse Agent
for Windows Server 2003 64-bit Edition. When the component is displayed,
click Download and choose Run. Ensure that you have the latest
version of the PPU installer, cp006445.exe. In the HP Package
Setup screen, you can choose Extract or
Install. Choose Install to
complete the installation with minimal prompting for a “typical” installation.
Choose Extract if you wish more control over
the installation options; in the case of PPU, the only significant
installation option is whether or not PPU should be installed in
a directory other than the default location. In all cases, you will be prompted
to accept a license agreement during the installation. When the installation is complete,
reboot the partition if you are prompted to do so - or if you previously
deferred a reboot after the installation of the WMI nPartition Provider.
(If the installation fails or the PPU service fails to start, you
should definitely reboot and try reinstalling PPU.) The installation also updates
the system PATH, so if you do not reboot after
the installation, you should close and reopen any command prompt windows
that you plan to use for configuration and management of PPU.
Windows Installation Considerations |  |
The packaging and installation of Pay per use changed between
the initial version 7.01 and version 7.1. In 7.01, Pay per use was
included with the WMI nPar Provider component, and only visible
as a subcomponent of the WMI nPar Provider. Do not mix installation
modes between the old and the new methods (PPU as a subcomponent
or nPar or PPU as a separate entity). After a successful PPU installation,
PPU is listed separately under Add or Remove Programs. Do not attempt
to reinstall PPU by modifying the WMI nPar Provider package. Upgrading the WMI nPar Provider or WMI Mapper may cause the
PPU service to stop running. After upgrading the WMI nPar Provider
or WMI Mapper, reboot or check the status of the HP Pay Per Use service
in the Windows Services applet to make sure the service is still
running.  |  |  |  |  | NOTE: When the WMI Mapper is upgraded from Smart Setup version
4.5 or later, you must also reinstall the PPU agent from Smart Setup
version 4.5 or later. Without the reinstallation of PPU, the PPU
service will fail to start properly. |  |  |  |  |
If the installation fails, or the PPU service fails to start,
it may be because of a deferred but necessary reboot after installing
the WMI nPar Provider. Try rebooting, and if necessary, reinstalling
PPU. Installing
from the OpenVMS I64 OE DVD |  |
Follow this procedure to install the PPU V8.x software on
your OpenVMS V8.3 system. The PPU product kit is located on the
OpenVMS I64 OE DVD. Log into a privileged
system account. Insert the OpenVMS I64 OE DVD
into a DVD-R device accessible to the partition where you intend
to install the software. Mount the DVD drive with the DCL MOUNT command as below: $ mount DQA0:I64083 I64083 %MOUNT-I-WRITELOCK, volume is write locked %MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, I64083 mounted on _DQA0: (NODE) Set your default working directory
or define the logical PCSI$SOURCE to the directory on the DVD where the PPU kit resides.
You may use the two directory locations below in either of the DCL
commands: $ DEFINE PSCI$SOURCE DQA0:[PPU_I64080.KIT} or $ SET DEFAULT DQA0:[KITS.PPU_I64080] The PSCI kit file, HP-I64VMS-PPU-V0800--1.PSCI, will be located in the kit directory. Install the PPU V8.x kit from
the media with the DCL command: $ PRODUCT INSTALL PPU You will see output similar to below
when installing the kit: Performing product kit validation ... %PSCI-I-VALPASSED, validation of $DQA0:[000000]HP-I64VMS-PPU-V0800--1.PSCI$COMPRESSED;1 succeeded The following product has been selected: HP I64VMS PPU V8.0 Layered Product Do you want to continue? [YES] Configuration phase starting ... You will be asked to choose options, if any, for each selected product and for any products that may be installed to satisfy software dependency requirements. HP I64VMS PPU V8.0 * This product does not have any configuration options. Execution phase starting ... The following product will be installed to destination: HP I64VMS PPU V8.0 DISK$SYSDEVICE:[VMS$COMMON.] Portion done: 0%...50%...90%...100% The following product has been installed: HP I64VMS PPU V8.0 Layered Product $ Execute the OpenVMS PPU configuration
utility to verify your software environment and register the WBEM
providers required by PPU. $ @sys$manager:ppu$config.com hp OpenVMS Industry Standard 64 Pay Per Use (PPU) configuration utility Are you ready to start the configuration process? (Y/N): Y Starting configuration of the nPar provider: Starting configuration of the iCAP provider: Verifying providers status... providers OK!... Registering PPU Command Language Definition file... Command Language Definition file successfully registered %DCL-I-SUPERSEDE, previous value of PPU$ROOT has been superseded Please add the following lines to your STARTUP procedure: $ DEFINE/SYS/EXEC/TRANS=CONCEAL PPU$ROOT ‘F$TRNLNM("SYS$SPECIFIC") $ @SYS$STARTUP:PPU$STARTUP *********************************************************** * Congratulations! * * * * PPU has been successfully configured * * * * Warning: Do not attempt to start the PPU software * * before setting up the address of the utility meter with * * * * ppu config/meter_address * * * ***********************************************************
Add the PPU startup and PPU shutdown
procedures to your site specific startup and shutdown procedures. As instructed by the installation, add the following
two lines to your startup procedure, SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM:
Note: You may define the PPU$ROOT logical to a device and directory of your choosing. The
root does not have to reside on the system device. Add the line below to your site specific shutdown procedure, SYS$MANAGER:SYSHUTDWN.COM:
$ @SYS$MANAGER:PPU$SHUTDWN Continue with “Configuring
PPU Software ”.