Miscellaneous Tools for Windows NT | |||||||
Copyright © 1997-1999 Mark Russinovich | |||||||
Last Updated June 7, 1999 |
Introduction | This page presents a continuously growing collection of applets that fill holes in the functionality that NT comes with out of the box. | ||||||
LoggedOn | You can
determine who is using resources on your local computer with the
"net" command ("net session"), however, there is no
built-in way to determine who is using the resources of a remote computer. In
addition, NT comes with no tools to see who is logged onto a computer, either
locally or remotely. LoggedOn is an applet that displays both the
locally logged on users and users logged on via resources for either the local
computer, or a remote one. Full source code is included. LoggedOn's definition of a locally logged on user is one that has their profile loaded into the Registry, so LoggedOn determines who is logged on by scanning the keys under the HKEY_USERS key. For each key that has a name that is a user SID (security Identifier), LoggedOn looks up the corresponding user name and displays it. To determine who is logged onto a computer via resource shares, LoggedOn uses the NetSessionEnum API. Note that LoggedOn will show you as logged on via resource share to remote computers that you query because a logon is required for LoggedOn to access the Registry of a remote system. Usage: loggedon [\\computername] computername Specifies the name of a remote computer. |
EFSDump | Windows
2000 introduces the Encrypting File System (EFS) so that users can protect
their sensitive data. Several new APIs make their debut to support this
factility, including one - QueryUsersOnEncryptedFile - that lets you see who
has access to encrypted files. This applet uses the API to show you what
accounts are authorized to access encrypted files. Full source code is
included. Usage: efsdump [-s] <file or directory> -s Recurse subdirectories. EFSDump takes wildcards e.g. 'efsdump *.txt'. |
Streams | The NTFS
file system provides applications the ability to create alternate data streams
of information. By default, all data is stored in a file's main unnamed data
stream, but by using the syntax "file:stream", you are able to read
and write to alternates. Not all applications are written to access alternate
streams, but you can demonstrate streams very simply. First, change to a
directory on a NTFS drive from within a command prompt. Next, type
"echo hello >
test:stream". You've
just created a stream named 'stream' that is associated with the file 'test'.
Note that when you look at the size of test it is reported as 0, and the file
looks empty when opened in any text editor. To see your stream enter
"more <
test:stream" (the
type command doesn't accept stream syntax so you have to use
more). NT does not come with any tools that let you see which NTFS files have streams associated with them, so I've written one myself. Streams will examine the files you specify and inform you of the name and sizes of any named streams it encounters within those files. Streams makes use of an undocumented native function for retrieving file stream information. Full source code is included. Usage: streams [-s] <file or directory> -s Recurse subdirectories. Streams takes wildcards e.g. 'streams *.txt'. |
IsTrial | Microsoft
makes available a 120-day time-locked version of Windows NT, and their Beta
versions expire 240 days after they are installed. However, Microsoft does not
provide any means of determining if the version of NT you are running is a
time-locked version or not. Many organizations run into problems when an
installation they had forgotten was a trial version suddenly announces it is
shutting down. This applet will tell you whether your systems are running trial
versions of NT, and if they are, their exact expiration times. Usage: istrial |
Uptime | This
applet will tell you how long an NT system has been up. It uses the Performance
Data Helper library to easily read the System Up Time performance counter on
the local machine or the machine you specify by name on the command line. Full
source code is included and I've included a copy of PDH.DLL, a Microsoft DLL
that comes with the SDK. Contrary to what Microsoft's documentation implies, it
doesn't appear that this DLL is included in a standard NT 3.51 or 4.0
distribution (it is in NT 5.0). Usage: uptime [computer name] |
VolumeID | While NT
and Windows 9x's built-in Label utility lets you change the labels of
disk volumes, it does not provide any means for changing volume ids. This
utiltity, Volumeid, allows you to change the ids of FAT and NTFS disks
(floppies or hard drives) on both Windows NT/2K and Windows 9x. Usage: volumeid <driveletter:> xxxx-xxxx Note that changes on NTFS volumes won't be visible until the next reboot. In addition, you should shut down any applications you have running before changing a volume id. NT may become confused and think that the media (disk) has changed after a FAT volume id has changed and pop up messages indicating that you should reinsert the original disk (!). It may then fail the disk requests of applications using those drives. |
Sync | UNIX
provides a standard utility called sync, which can be used to direct the
operating system to flush all file system data to disk in order to insure that
it is stable and won't be lost in case of a system failure. Otherwise, any
modified data present in the cache would be lost. Here is a an equivalent that
I wrote, called Sync, that works on both Windows NT and Windows 95/98.
Use it whenever you want to know that modified file data is safely stored on
your hard drives. Unfortunately, Sync requires administrative privileges
to run. This version, 2.0, also lets you flush removable drives such as ZIP
drives. Source code to the NT-only version of Sync is available on the
Dr. Dobb's Journal Systems
Internals CD-ROM
Usage: sync [-r | drive letter list] -r Flush removable drives. Specifying specific drives (e.g. "c e") will result in Sync only flushing those drives. |
Autologon | NT 3.51
and 4.0 provides Registry settings that can be set so that a user is
automatically logged in the next time the system would otherwise put up the
logon dialog box. However, the Registry values are hidden very deep, and are a
pain to configure. This program, Autologon, will do the Registry configuration
for you, and allow you to enable and disable auto-logon when you want.
Autologon easy enough to use. Just run autolog.exe, fill in the dialog, and hit Enable. To turn off auto-logon, hit Disable. If the DefaultPassword is NULL, autologon will only occur once and then be disabled. Also, if the shift key is held down before the system performs an autologon, the autologon will be disabled for that logon. |
Hostname |
Hostname is a very simply utility that takes either an IP
address (e.g. 123.456.7.8), or a host name (e.g. ftp.ntinternals.com), and
performs a translation into its inverse form. For example, if you pass
hostname an IP address, you'll get back a host name, and if you pass it
a host name it will give you the corresponding IP address. It runs under
Windows 95 or Windows NT. Usage: hostname [IP address, hostname] |
Strings |
on NT means that executables and object files will many times have embedded
UNICODE strings that you cannot easily see with a standard ASCII strings or
grep programs. So we decided to roll our own. Strings just scans the
file you pass it for UNICODE (or ASCII) strings of a default length of 3 or
more UNICODE (or ASCII) characters. Note that it works under Windows 95 as
well. Usage: strings [-s] [-a] [-n X] <file or directory> Strings takes wild-card expressions for file names, and additional command line parameters are defined as follows:
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