A free but Very Much Strange operating system
Official site of the Free VMS project
The VMS (Virtual Memory System) operating system is available only on VAX and Alpha processors, and in spite of its undeniable qualities, its future seems uncertain. The FreeVMS project tends to the coding of an operating system under the GPL licence according to the specifications of the VMS systems. This operating system has to function at least on I386 architecture, PPC, Sparc and Alpha processors. It is developed using the C language.
The language used for scripts and the command line is DCL. I look for the exact specifications of DCL to check if it is possible to modify rather simply the RPL/2 language. This language - if it functions in Polish inverted notation - indeed comprises all what is necessary to analyze then execute a complex program as well as carrying out calculations in algebraic notation.
The FreeVMS kernel is for the moment a Linux 2.4 kernel, patched to get the ext3 support . This kernel will evolve by inclusion of more strict control mechanisms (imperative locks, ressources management, interactions between process...), and removal of what is written in hard code (cf rdev).
The system requires a boot program The kernel deriving from a Linux kernel it is possible to use grub. However, grub must be modified so that it can start a system on a ODS-5 partition. In addition, grub works only on i386, thus a mix with aboot is necessary for ALPHA architecture.
A mailing list is available at, any inscription is done using This list is filed by Magne Mæhre - a large thank you to him - on