Swish-2.1.X builtin sample perl module

Why using a perl module

The distribution of swish-e 2.1.X includes a sample and totally functional perl module built on the top of the C library. The final goal is to show other people an easy way to implement other perl modules to access swish-e-2.1.x index files
With this builtin perl module you can write easily safe CGIs (external system calls are no longer needed).

How to build the perl module

First of all, build an install the library. The library must be accessible to build the perl module
Now in the perl directory, type:
perl Makefile.PL
make install
To test it you can issue a "./test.pl". This perl script uses the index file built by the "make test" issued in src directory. So be sure that the index file exists in the tests directory

Functions of the perl module


This function opens one or more index files and returns a handle to them.
Eg: $handle=SwishOpen("index_file.idx");
If you want to search in more than one index file, use spaces to separate them.
Eg: $handle=SwishOpen("index1.idx index2.idx");


Closes the handle returned by SwishOpen. This function closes all the opened files and frees the used memory.

$num_results = SwishSearch($handle,$search,$structure,$properties,$sortspec)

This function parses a search and returns the number of hits or a negative value on error
The values passed are:
handle is the handle returned by SwishOpen
search is the search string. Eg: title="this a is phrase"
structure (*) is an integer value only applicable for an html search. It can be IN_FILE, IN_TITLE, IN_HEAD, IN_BODY, IN_COMMENTS, IN_HEADER or IN_EMPHASIZED or "ored" combinatios of them (eg: IN_HEAD | IN_BODY). Use IN_FILE (1) if your documents are not html.
properties is a string with the properties to be returned separated by spaces
sortspec is the sort spec if different from relevance. Eg: title asc otherfield desc anotherfiled desc
* The numerical values for IN_FILE, IN_HEAD are in src/swish.h

Eg: $num_results=SwishSearch($handle,"metaname=\"this is a phrase\" or otherword",1,"name depno","depno asc");


This function returns the next hit of a search. Must be executed after SwishSearch to read the results.
Eg (assuming that you have asked for three properties in SwishSearch):
   print "$rank $indexfile $filename \"$title\" $start $size \"$prop1\" \"$prop2\" \"$prop3\"\n";

$rc=SwishSeek($handle, $num)

Repositions the pointer in the result list to the element pointed by num. It is useful when you want to read only the results starting at num


Returns the last error if any (always a negative value). If there is not an error it will return 0


This function is useful to access the header data of the index files
Returns the contents of the requested header parameter of all index files opend by SwishOpen in an array. This different in the C library, withe the perl module You do not need to use this function inside a bucle.
print "WordCharacters 0 = @wordchars[0]\n";
print "WordCharacters 1 = @wordchars[1]\n";

Valid values for HeaderParameterName are: WordCharacters,BeginCharacters,EndCharacters,IgnoreFirstChar,IgnoreLastChar,Indexed on,Description,IndexPointer,IndexAdmin,Stemming,Soundex.


Returns an array containing all the stopwords stored in the index file pointed by filename (filename must match one of the names used in SwishOpen)
print "StopWords =";
	print " @stopwords[$i]"
print "\n";


Returns an array containing all the keywords stored in the index file pointed by filename (filename must match one of the names used in SwishOpen) and starting with the character c
print "KeyWords =";
	print " @keywords[$i]"
print "\n";


Returns the stemmed word preserving the original one.
print "$stem_word";     # prints park

Sample test.pl



$properties='prop1 prop2 prop3';
$sortspec='prop1 asc prop2 desc';


# To search for several index just put them together
$indexfilename="$indexfilename1 $indexfilename2";

	print "Could not open index files\n";

# Need some info from header ? Here is how
# Since we have open two files, two values are returned
print "WordCharacters 0 = @wordchars[0]\n";
print "WordCharacters 1 = @wordchars[1]\n";

print "BeginCharacters 0 = @beginchars[0]\n";
print "BeginCharacters 1 = @beginchars[1]\n";

print "EndCharacters 0 = @endchars[0]\n";
print "EndCharacters 1 = @endchars[1]\n";

print "IgnoreFirstChar 0 = @ignorefirstchar[0]\n";
print "IgnoreFirstChar 1 = @ignorefirstchar[1]\n";

print "IgnoreLastChar 0 = @ignorelastchar[0]\n";
print "IgnoreLastChar 1 = @ignorelastchar[1]\n";

@indexedon=SWISHE::SwishHeaderParameter($handle,"Indexed on");
print "Indexed on 0 = @indexedon[0]\n";
print "Indexed on 1 = @indexedon[1]\n";

print "Description 0 = @description[0]\n";
print "Description 1 = @description[1]\n";

print "IndexPointer 0 = @indexpointer[0]\n";
print "IndexPointer 1 = @indexpointer[1]\n";

print "IndexAdmin 0 = @indexadmin[0]\n";
print "IndexAdmin 1 = @indexadmin[1]\n";

print "Stemming 0 = @stemming[0]\n";
print "Stemming 1 = @stemming[1]\n";

print "Soundex 0 = @soundex[0]\n";
print "Soundex 1 = @soundex[1]\n";

# Do you want know the stopwords of indexfile1? Here is how
print "StopWords =";
	print " @stopwords[$i]"
print "\n";


# Uncomment for a testing endless loop
#while (1)

if ($num_results<0) 
	print "Search error: $num_results\n";
} else{ 
	print "Search Results: $num_results\n";

   print "$rank $indexfile $filename \"$title\" $start $size \"$prop1\" \"$prop2\" \"$prop3\"\n";
# Uncomment for an endless loop