From: Richard Maher [maher_rj@hotmail.c*m]
Sent: Sunday, June 10, 2001 2:00 PM
To: Info-VAX@Mvb.Saic.Com
Subject: Re: $QIO and TCP/IP server

Once again sorry if you don't get attachments coz that's pretty much
all there is.
The first "Demo Config Screen Dump" is what it says on the tin. (It
seems that you have to save it to disk as x.htm before opening it)
The second is an example set of some User Action Routines that your
developers would create. In this case they retrieve Job Entry
information from the server.
The third is the DCL build routine that creates a shareable from
Because I use the persona system services in the examples you
would need to ensure that the username that you have chosen for the
DEMO application Execution Servers to run under must have SYSPRV
and IMPERSONATE privileges. In the next version of TIER3 the
Communication Server code will make use of the $persona_delegate
so that the Execution Server (or the username that it runs under) will
require *no* additional privs to adopt the persona of the user on whose
behalf the work is being performed! NB: It is not a requirement of
TIER3 that you use the persona system services or require privs. But
yes it is certainly a nice to have!.

Regards Richard Maher