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                         C H E C K S U M M E R                         


Simple and easy procedure to control contents of important directories 

on your system.                                                        


CHECKSUMMER uses undocumented feature of VMS "CHECKSUM" to control,    

day-by-day, contents of important directories on your system and       

contents of important files into these important directories.          


CHECKSUMMER  looks  for  every  given  files  in given directories,    

performes a Checksum for every files,  and  keeps  all  data  in  a    

private   database   (whose   name  is:  'Node'_CHECKSUM_DB.DAT  in    

CHECKSUMMER's resident directory). Then, if a previous  version  of    

this  db is present, compares (using DIFFERENCES utility) these two    

last  versions,  signaling  to  a  given  user   (via   mail)   any    



Using CHECKSUMMER *EVERY DAY* to control strategic directories (i.e.   

SYS$SYSTEM) may make you able to automatically be notified of every    

new file in this directory, as well as of every modification and       

deletion of files, improving security of you system, and identifying   

virus, troian horses, and so on, as soon as possible.                  


You can control operations of CHECKSUMMER:                             


- DIRECTORY SCANNING. Predefining a "CHECKSUM_PATH" logical name, you  

  can tell to CHECKSUMMER what directory(s) to scan. If no lnm is      

  defined, CHECKSUMMER looks into SYS$SYSTEM AND SYS$LIBRARY           


- FILE SCANNING. Using P1 parameter, you can tell to CHECKSUMMER what  

  files to checksum. In no P1 is specified, CHECKSUMMER checksums      

  every "*.EXE;*" file in the Checksum_Path                            


- NOTIFIED USER. Checksummer send a mail to a user if any difference   

  is found between the last two executions. You can use P2 parameter   

  to tell him the target USERNAME. If no P2 is specified, report is    

  sent to user SYSTEM on current node.                                 


Look for further notes in the body of the procedure.                   

Comments and donations to: franco.brunetta@libero.it


Author - GNU license

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