Conference 3064.4
Note 3064.4 X10 / X-10 / BSR / Home Automation 4 of 15
EISNER::COVERT "" 57 lines 8-JAN-2000 11:16
-< Lights CGI at >-
I see everyone is just speechless about all this.
How about the little CGI script below, then.
Why no status yet? Because I'm still using the Firecracker program for
the "free" computer interface. The smarter interface is hooked up, but
unfortunately, the status would only reflect the last remote commands;
I bought one-way switches at $39.95 each (for 10 or more); the two-way
switches are $109.95, and I didn't think accurate status was worth
$1700 or so more.
$! Lights CGI
$ set noon
$! we list all accessed vars right here
$ qstr = www_query_string
$ homeuser = A secret way of figuring out if the user is authorized.
$ if qstr .nes. ""
$ then
$ write sys$output "LOCATION: lights"
$ write sys$output ""
$ if homeuser then submit/nolog/noiden user$:[covert]firecracker/par=('f$eleme
$ exit
$ endif
$ write sys$output "Content-type: text/html"
$ write sys$output ""
$ write sys$output "<html><head><title>X10 Stuff</title></head><body bgcolor=yel
low><center><h1>X10 Stuff</h1></center>"
$ write sys$output "<form action=""lights"" method=get><table>"
$ open/read x10 user$:[covert]x10assignments.txt
$! throw away two lines
$ read x10 rec
$ read x10 rec
$ read/end=endloop x10 rec
$ rec = f$edit(rec,"compress,trim")
$ if rec .eqs. "" then goto loop
$ xcode = f$element(0," ",rec)
$ descr = f$extract(f$length(xcode)+1,99,rec)
$ if f$extract(0,8,descr) .eqs. "reserved" then goto loop
$ write sys$output "<tr>"
$ if homeuser
$ then
$ write sys$output "<td><input type=submit name=''xcode' value=""ON""></td>"
$ write sys$output "<td><input type=submit name=''xcode' value=""OFF""></td>"
$ else
$ write sys$output "<td><input type=button value=""ON"" onclick=""alert('Not A
$ write sys$output "<td><input type=button value=""OFF"" onclick=""alert('Not
$ endif
$ write sys$output "<td>''xcode'</td><td>''descr'</td></tr>"
$ goto loop
$ close x10
$ write sys$output "</table></form></body></html>"
$ exit
DECnotes Script provided by
Kessi, 21 February 1996