
developed by © SANFACE Software

Version 1.1 7th July 1999

What is WinPDFdata

WinPDFdata is a free PERL/Tk application that allows you to extract information from PDF files and allows you to generate an HTML file.
Inside the zip distribution you can find also a Windows executable that doesn't need the PERL installation and the PERL modules installation (Tk and PDFlib).
WinPDFdata supports also the new PDF version 1.3.
From version 1.1, the executable doesn't need perlcrt.dll

WinPDFdata use

WinPDFdata has a very simple user interface. It's composed of 6 buttons and a listbox.
These are the features of every button:

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You can remove only one entry form listbox with a double click with the left button of the mouse on it.

Tool location

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