karma 1.0.0
Sean Hull <sean.hull at pobox.com> - July 07th 2000, 09:16 EST
Karma is an Oracle database monitoring system featuring email notification and robust configuration options. It is designed to be your assistant, simplifying the day-to-day monitoring a DBA needs to do. It can monitor any number of databases, organized into logical groups, and keep track of such things as rollback segment contention, extents, tablespace quotas, latch contention, redolog switching, slow SQL queries, buffer cache hitratios, and basic database connectivity. It can even watch your alertlog for you, and notify you if you get a dangerous Oracle error.
Changes: After a year in development, a new version of karma is available. Quite a lot of testing and debugging has been done, and a number of bugs have been found and fixed, making email notification more reliable, and the app in general quite stable. The author has had it running for days without problems, and has been able to reload the config file and force refreshes, all without incident.
Urgency: low