From: MERC::"uunet!WKUVX1.BITNET!MacroMan" 18-MAY-1992 20:38:31.84 To: MACRO32@WKUVX1.BITNET CC: Subj: Re: need STRIP for VMS In article <>, (George J. Carrette) writes... > This is internals in so much as it deals with the format of .EXE files. > > Has anybody ever heard of a program like the UNIX "strip" utility for VMS? > > That is, take an image file created by LINK/DEBUG, and make a another > (presumably smaller) file which is the result of leaving out the debug > (and possibly also traceback) records? SYS$SYSTEM:STABACCOP.EXE is used by SYS$UPDATE:STABACKIT.COM to do just this. The comment says that it "removes symbol table and patch text blocks." and that it creates contiguous files. It doesn't mention whether or not the image debug bit or debugger transfer address is handled. I've never used it myself... Pat Rankin,