6-MAY-83 Miscellaneous tools GenRad, Inc. 300 Baker Ave. Concord, MA. 01742 Authors: several Contact: Stephen Klein In the following descriptions, upper case text should be typed as shown, whereas lower case text is used for parameters which must be supplied by the user. Square brackets ("[" and "]") are used to indicate optional parameters and are not part of the command syntax. Several tools use ">" and "<" in their command lines. These symbols indicate redirection of standard input ("<") or standard output (">"), and are part of the command syntax. There must be no whitespace between the "<" or ">" and the corresponding filespec. Command line Function "LOGINMSG" This is used in a LOGIN.COM instead of "@sys$library:syslogin". It has the same effects, except that it only displays the changes in the login message. (author: Steve Klein). "NATIVEC" Defines several symbols which pre- answer the questions asked by sys$library:com.com - to select the Whitesmith Native mode C compiler with no debugger, and single module programs. (author: Steve Klein). "MUN MISCTLS:FLUSH,filespec" "Flush" a text file. This converts a text file from a weird format to the standard format (variable length records with implied carriage control). The command invokes TECO in MUNG mode, executing the teco macro FLUSH.TEC. This is most frequently used in command procedures, where the DCL OPEN/WRITE command produces a file with a strange format. Note - this does not produce a new version of the file. An alternate form is "outfile=infile" in place of "filespec", which does create a new file. (author: Gordon Weekly). "CWL filespec [outfile]" Count the number of characters, words, and lines in "filespec", optionally sending output to "outfile". By default, output goes to the terminal. The output consists of one line with 3 decimal numbers on it with a space used as the delimiter. (author: Steve Klein) "CCOUNT filespec" Column counter. Makes it easy to count columns in a text file. It displays lines of the file interspersed with a "ruler" which counts from 1 to 80. This is useful in conjunction with the reformatter (which can use column addressing). (author: Steve Klein) "CLEAN [directory]" Clean a directory. This command procedure walks you through the files in a directory and helps you decide what to keep. If no directory is specified, the default directory is assumed. Help is available by running the procedure. (author: Steve Klein) "FETCH node:wildspec" This command is a work-around to the problems with pulling files over the network with DECNET. "node" is a remote node, "wildspec" is a filespec which may contain wildcards. Note - "wildspec" is actually interpreted by the DIRECTORY command, so specify a version number to avoid defaulting to all versions. In any case, only one version of each output file is created. The output files are created in the default directory.(author: Steve Klein) "SAMPLE infile [outfile] col1 width [-D]" Sample a text file ("infile") by only writing to "outfile" those lines which show a change in the specified field. This is useful after sorting a text file by sampling on the sort key to get one of each value that shows up in the sort field. The leftmost column is column 1. If no output file is specified, a new version of the input file is created. Type "SAMPLE ?" for help. (-D reverses this behavior by keeping only duplicate lines). (author: Steve Klein). "REFORMAT infile [outfile] [outfile]" Token search. TSEARCH searches one or more files for all occurrences of one or more strings, and prints lines containing matches. The strings are matched as tokens - that is, a match only occurs if the string has delimiting characters adjacent to it. The tokens found are highlighted by displaying them in reverse video. Type "TSEARCH ?" for more help. (author: Steve Klein). "REMOVE [outfile] [-flag] ... [-flag]" Remove unwanted parts of a C program. This program can remove comments, quoted strings, quoted characters, anything inside { }, multiple blank lines, all of the above, or any combination. Type "REMOVE ?" for help. (author: Steve Klein). "CRYPT [outfile] [-D] -Kkey" Encrypt a text file. and (-D = decrypt) "DECRYPT [outfile] -Kkey" Decrypt a text file. Type "CRYPT ?" for help. (author: Steve Klein). "BTT infile [outfile] [*EXPAND]" Convert a binary file to a text file. or or "TTB infile [outfile] [*EXPAND]" Convert a text file to a binary file. Type "BTT ?" for help. Possible uses are to encrypt binary data by first making it a text file; editing an executable image with EDT.... (author: Steve Klein). "TAIL filespec [-n]" Print the tail end of a text file. If specified, n is the number of lines to print. The default is to print the last 10 lines of the file. Type "TAIL ?" for help.(author: Steve Klein) "CRYPTEDT filespec" Edit (or create) an ecncrypted file. It prompts you for the encryption key. It invokes "EDT" - so you must be sure that this symbol is defined. To recover from a crash, re-issue the original command. It will notice the presence of the journal file and ask you if you want to recover. Read SR:[TOOLS.EDTMACRO]SAMPLEEDT.COM for more information on recovery. (authors: Ken Budnik, Steve Klein).