Sample Personal Home Page
This is just a sample home page demonstrating individual user home pages.
Most browsers offer an option to "view the source". This particular HTML file
has comments which explain each of the formatting options you see here, so you
might wish to select that option on this document.
Here's some pre-formatted text:
The ___ ___ ___ Fruit Nuts Computers
| | | | | \/ | ------- ------- ---------
| |_| | | \ / | Apples Cashews Digital
\_____/of|_|\/|_| Oranges Pecans Analog
Lists are also supported!
- Unordered lists, like this one
- Ordered lists, like the following:
- This is the first list item.
- This is the second list item.
- Back to the unordered list
The official campus
HTTP server is www.memphis.edu.
The University of Memphis
Memphis, TN 38152