From: CRDGW2::CRDGW2::MRGATE::"SMTP::CRVAX.SRI.COM::RELAY-INFO-VAX" 26-FEB-1992 11:29:42.95 To: ARISIA::EVERHART CC: Subj: DVIPS 5.47(4) for VMS. From: RELAY-INFO-VAX@CRVAX.SRI.COM@SMTP@CRDGW2 To: Everhart@Arisia@MRGATE Received: by (5.57/GE 1.123) id AA22138; Wed, 26 Feb 92 10:39:58 EST Received: From UCBVAX.BERKELEY.EDU by CRVAX.SRI.COM with TCP; Wed, 26 FEB 92 06:29:38 PST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.63/1.43) id AA10898; Wed, 26 Feb 92 06:12:41 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 21 Feb 92 23:12:11 GMT From: ispd-newsserver!psinntp!!! (Viswanath) Organization: Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY Subject: DVIPS 5.47(4) for VMS. Message-Id: <> Sender: To: Hi, DVIPS 5.47(4), with color postscript capability etc etc. available from YMIR.CLAREMONT.EDU by anonymous ftp. directory [anonymous.tex.drivers.dvips5_474]. README file follows. -------- This is a port of dvips 5.47 rel 4 for VMS. Several of the bugs and problems fixed. The CLD is updated to accomodate new options. Although considerable effort has been expended to make this software correct and reliable, no warranty is implied. Any obligation or liability for damages, including but not limited to special, indirect, or consequential damages arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of this software is disclaimed. To compile, set the following in MAKE.COM: Set TFMPATH to where the TFM files are located. Default is TEX$FONTS: ($ TFMPATH = "TEX$FONTS:") Set PKPATH to where the PK fonts are located. Default is TEX_PK: ($ PKPATH = "TEX_PK:") Set VFPATH to where the VF fonts are located. Default is TEX_VF: ($ VFPATH = "TEX_VF:") Set FIGPATH to where the epsf and psfiles are located. Default is TEX_INPUTS: ($ FIGPATH = "TEX_INPUTS:") Set HEADERPATH to where the header files are located. Default is TEX$POSTSCRIPT:,SYS$LOGIN:," ($ HEADERPATH = "TEX$POSTSCRIPT:,SYS$LOGIN:,") Set CONFIGPATH to where the config files are located. Default is TEX$POSTSCRIPT: ($ CONFIGPATH = "TEX$POSTSCRIPT:") Set TPIC to ",TPIC" if you want TPIC support enabled. Default is enabled. ($ TPIC = ",TPIC") Set DEBUG to ",DEBUG" if you want DEBUG support enabled. Default is enabled. ($ DEBUG = ",DEBUG") To install: maketexpk :== "@DIRECTORY:maketexpk %n %d %b %m" NOTE: You need the quotation marks and the parameters. Use install to install the dvips.cld Make sure that all the logicals defined above (eg, tex_pk, tex_vf) are actually defined. DVIPS.HLP is a VMS help file which may be directly included into the system help. For additional details about the special features of dvips, refer to the manual provided (dvips.tex). Also note: To obtain the files, etc do the following $squeeze:==$DIRECTORY:squeeze.exe $squeeze color.lpro and so on... Report any problems or bugs to : Viswanathan Narayanan ================================================================================ email: bitnet :vnaraya2@sunrise.BITNET ================================================================================